Why Neuroscience?

Why does the brain behave as it does? Are our personalities and actions predetermined just by a set of codes within our DNA or are they developed throughout our childhood? The study of the brain and psychology fascinates me and I hope to continue the study of neuroscience throughout my years in college.

The amygdala, hypothalamus, cerebellum, without any one of these structures, the human body would cease to exist. With other bodily organs like the pancreas, liver, and muscles relying on the brain; why don’t we fully understand this skull encapsulated organ? The mystery behind the brain is as vast as the mystery of the ocean floor and my dream is to one day operate on this mysterious grey and white matter that makes you, you.

This dream to specifically operate on the brain was discovered junior year while taking AP Psychology. I was most notably shaped the day before winter break, 2017, when university students came in to give a neuroscience presentation. That was that day I held a human brain and spinal cord saw each crease of the brain and felt central nervous system nerves. A moment of awe took over me, and with full faith, I established that the study of the brain is my academic future.

The brain is the most intricate organ of the human body, one that takes years to understand, the organ with which you are reading and understanding my words at this very second, the organ that I wish to devote my life to. The brain is fuel to my intellectual dreams and the seed of my growing knowledge.



About Me!

Hello everyone! My name is Julia Nawara and I am very excited to officially be a Buckeye. I am from the Chicago suburbs and am a freshman here at Ohio State. My family immigrated from Poland in the early 2000s, I am a first-generation college student and American. In high school, I was passionate about chemistry, math tutoring, surgical-bay volunteering, and leading my tennis team as captain. I am now a neuroscience major on a pre-medical track and an Advocates for Community and Education scholar. My goal for the future is to become a physician within the dermatology or anesthesiology field. Within my first few months at Ohio State, I have become involved in 4 Paws for Ability, Adam’s Angels, and ACES! I am the founder and President of Adam’s Angels. This is a student organization dedicated to helping children with neurological disabilities in the Columbus area via tutoring and social programs. I truly do believe that every individual and organization member makes a difference! Furthermore, I am very excited to further my knowledge in the field of neuroscience and eventually be able to apply it to Adam’s Angels!

Thank you,

Julia Nawara