Second Explore Columbus

After our first ~virtual~ explore Columbus facetime, Giuliana and I had no choice but to have our second explore Columbus also be virtual. As Giuliana doesn’t live on campus and cannot easily commute back and forth, we Facetimed and discussed the places we would have visited! As we are both foodies, we said that North Market would have been a must! With so many authentic restaurants, different cuisines, little shops, and even a cafe… it certainly is a Columbus staple. With my entire family being from Poland, I struggled coming to campus and not having any of my family’s traditional home-cooked Polish meals. Luckily, there is an authentic Polish place within North Market. It is called Hubert’s Polish Kitchen, and the food is absolutely amazing. I asked Giuliana if she had ever eaten Polish food, she responded no… so obviously, Hubert’s would be our first spot! Giuliana mentioned her favorite cuisine to be Japanese and Chinese. I am sure that North Market has one or both of those, so we would have to stop there as well! Furthermore, as a coffee fanatic, I told Giuliana that Stauf’s coffee (which has a location within North Market), is a staple. With flavors from lavender vanilla to English toffee, their coffee is not only great quality but wonderfully flavored. My favorite is the snickerdoodle iced latte, Giuliana said she would try a vanilla hazelnut iced latte! She also mentioned that she really wanted to try Jeni’s ice cream, so of course, that would also be next on our agenda.

We moved on from discussing what we would visit to what we would chat about! Giuliana mentioned that she has lots of questions about what classes I recommend taking. Since I am a neuroscience major and she is psychology, many of our classes overlap. I mentioned that I am specializing in Cellular-Molecular neuroscience so many of my classes actually are not within the psychology course load, however, I do have many recommendations based upon what my friends have told me, and the psych classes I have taken. I recommended many behavioral classes, and even suggested one of my favorite classes, Hormones and Behavior! I also gave Giuliana the contact information of my friends in neuroscience who are pre-law, as I am pre-med I wasn’t sure of any specific pre-law guided psychology courses. Furthermore, Giuliana also mentioned her fascination with 4Paws and Guiding Eyes for the Blind. Both are service dog agencies, however, GEB places seeing-eye dogs, and 4Paws places a variety of service dogs. I had shared my experience with 4Paws and my love for training and how much I care about my current foster, Cappy. Cappy is a Goldendoodle and he is very literally the sweetest dog I have ever met. I explained to Giuliana how beneficial my time has been and strongly encouraged her to join either of the clubs on campus. She expressed her hope to join a service dog organization next year, as hopefully then she can live on campus!

Giuliana and I then discussed ACES and the various ways that it has shaped us. I shared how amazing my first-year experience was, how living on a floor with all my fellow ACES scholars let us not only form a stronger bond but adjust to college life much easier. I expressed how terrible I felt for the current first-year ACES. They have missed out on so much bonding and excitement. From studying together in the common area to eating Buckeye pizzas at community meetings, I had so many positive experiences and only wished the current freshman could have experienced them. Furthermore, Giuliana stated how if the Coronavirus pandemic hadn’t occurred she would have stayed on campus! It truly is a shame that the pandemic occurred when it did, however, I am hopeful that it can act as a wake-up to our society. Giuliana and I agree with that sentiment and both talked about how we hope positive change will come out of this unfortunate time. I mentioned how I hope appreciation for health care workers will skyrocket, that individuals will take others’ health into account and that more people will be more cognizant of their actions. Giuliana mentioned how she wishes the same, however, also hopes that people will still feel the need to check in on one another. I have loved taking these virtual visits around Columbus with Giuliana and can’t wait until this pandemic is over and all the ACES can get together and travel the town! Until then, Zoom it is 🙂

Second Semester Mentee Interview

My mentee Giuliana Gechelin and I had the chance to facetime this week chat and catch up on everything school, life, and future! Giuliana is a psychology major, and has recently added two minors! She is a new student within legal foundations of society and society and natural resources. Prior to our chat I had never heard of those minors. Upon hearing she joined these minors, I asked how she found out about them and why she chose to join them! Giuliana explained that one of her pre-law professors had mentioned the minors and she spoke with her after class regarding both of them! After several conversations, Giuliana decided both minors would be an amazing addition to her transcript and she was passionate for both of them. I also wanted to clarify and find out what type of law she was hoping to practice in the future. She explained that she was extremely eager to go into environmental law and is excited to work for the betterment of the world.

We then moved on to the topic of ACES! Giuliana noted that she loved meeting each and everyone one of the ACES and loved her first semester roomate. She said that the ACES community made her feel welcome and included on a campus that felt so large. Unfortunately, Giuliana moved off of campus during her first semester, and said that she feels that she has lost many of her formed connections because of this change. Not only was she not able to get as close to her floor mates, she wasn’t able join as many clubs as desired. Despite the current disconnect, Giulina hopes that when the pandemic is over, she can return to campus and join as many clubs possible, within reason. She did note, however, that she is in Guiding Eyes for the Blind and hopes to get more involved, and possibly foster her own Service dog in training! Personally, in a non biased current service dog raiser way, I think that she should definetly get a foster pup!

Furthermore, we discussed the goals we set for outselves at the beginning of the semester and school year. I mentioned that I was hoping Cappy (my service dog in training) would go to Advanced training, and was really hoping to get an A in organic chemistry. Giuliana stated her goals for grades, connections and health. With hopes for straight A’s, strong connections with friends and professors, and great health. However, with the pandemic… the health part was worrying her, and to be completely honest I was worried about both my own and my families. In terms of forming bonds, Giuliana pointed out that she has found a mentor in one of her pre-law professors. I mentioned my love for Legally Blonde and we discussed how much we want to channel Elle’s I-want-to-go-to-Harvard-so-I’m-going-to-Harvard energy.

I have trully loved getting to know Giuliana this year and I see so much success in her future. She is the kind of person we need more of in this world, and the kind of lawyer that the world needs (very literally). I cannot wait to see and hear about her sophomore year and am extremely grateful to have metored and gotten to know her as a friend.

The questions I asked during the mentee interview were as follows;

  • Are you enjoying your major? Why or why not?
  • How have you gotten involved on campus?
  • Have you enjoyed your first semetser in ACES? What has suprised ou about the program?
  • Have you career plans changed since the first semester? Why or why not?
  • What goals have you set for yourself this semester?