My G.O.A.L.S.

The Honors and Scholars “G.O.A.L.S.” For Ohio State students include global awareness, original inquiry, academic enrichment, leadership development, and service engagement. I asked myself what each of these means to me.

  • G: Global awareness, to me, is to be taken more personally and reflectively. I’m not sure if I’ll embark on a study abroad or travel much during my undergrad years, but I will continue to keep myself updated on global issues and think about how what I do can impact others around the world.
  • O: Original inquiry, or research, is very important to me. I plan to join a research lab very soon and hopefully complete an honors research thesis.
  • A: Academic enrichment should not be difficult for me to achieve. I have many interests and am always interested in attending guest lectures or going to club meetings to further my knowledge in a subject.
  • L: Leadership development should blossom as I grow as a person in college. Through the Eminence Fellowship, I hope to become a better leader among my peers and around campus.
  • S: Service Engagement, to me, is the most important of the “G.O.A.L.S.” I participated in a multitude of service in high school and do not plan on stopping in college. The Eminence Fellowship service project will help me design a service project, and I will also be open to any volunteering opportunities on campus.