Module 3 Reflection Post

Module three focused on Communicating and Collaborating on the Web.  Three main aspects of this are netiquette, email, and discussions.  As a college student today, many of your assignments, and interactions with your professors are over the web.  It is the main form of communicating and collaborating within the large classes that you will face while in school.  When interacting with a professor via email, it is essential that you use the proper netiquette.  This can consist of the obvious things such as grammar, and go all the way to including emoticons.  When speaking with a professor, it is important to use proper grammar, be clear in what you want, and to include a greeting, introduction, request, acknowledgement, and a signature.  It is also important to avoid using slang, foul language, and sarcasm. This also applies to communicating with fellow group members. When posting on discussions, it is important to use spell check, and formatting, and to preview your post before submission.   When replying to a post, make sure to be polite to your peers and professors.  Google Docs is a very great program to collaborate with peers over the web.  You can use the document to add important information that many can see and adjust.  This can be affective in creating study guides for your course.  I hope that these tips will help you with your studies.


Thanks for reading,

Steven Nash

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