Badge 6, 7, 8: Remembering, Understanding, Applying

In the Micro Teaching #2 lesson (Click to see details:, I will address three aspects of Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy: remembering, understanding, and applying. The overall objective of the Micro Teaching lesson #2 is to show how Children’s Literature can be used to teach psychological theories and concepts to pre-service teachers. In order to do this, I created a video to narrate a story called “The Dark” by Lemony Snicket. The story revolves around a boy who overcomes his fear of the dark. I will use the story to explain a psychological concept called ‘self-efficacy’.


Evidence: After viewing the video students will be asked to identify the themes that they felt were highlighted within the story (Question/prompt: What was the theme of the story?). Identification of themes will require them to remember the main points of the story which are relevant to the content that will be delivered in class.


Evidence: Consequently, student responses will be used to build understanding of a psychological concept called ‘self-efficacy’. This will be followed by discussion questions aimed at exploring students’ personal experiences of overcoming fears and identifying factors that had enabled them to believe that they could successfully perform a task initially perceived as challenging (Questions/prompts: a) Think of a task which you initially felt was beyond your capacity to accomplish successfully but with time mastered it. b) What do you think led you to change your beliefs about your ability to do the task?). Using their responses to the prompt about factors that help in overcoming feelings of inadequacy I will move on to explaining how self-efficacy develops. The connection between their responses and the content being delivered will promote understanding.


Evidence: Finally, I will ask the students to identify how the boy in the story developed a sense of efficacy to venture out in the dark and was no longer afraid of it (Question/prompt: What influenced Laszlo to overcome his fear of the dark?) . This question/activity will ensure that students can apply what they have learned in class to other situations.

The video and the PowerPoint are the main types of technology that will be used in the lesson. The video was integral to accomplishing the goals of remembering, understanding and applying.

Here is a link to the draft of the PowerPoint that will be used for the lesson: Microteaching 2



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