Developing research programs

As Dr. Raudenbush and Nangle develop their programs at OSU/ATI which includes teaching and outreach, part of the development will include applied research. This type of research helps to give end users a direct answer to some questions re the use of new or different products which they may have had. Further to that the research can be carried out at specific sites that may have problems that are not necessarily reproducible – e.g. using newly renovated sites for looking at Gaeumannomyces graminis. As part of that Dr Nangle has begun working on the issue of snow mold (Microdochium and Typhula spp.) with three sites in the Cleveland area (Picture 1). The three courses have similar treatments on their plots and depending on the intensity of winter and snow fall disease pressure may vary. Upon the completion of winter a field day will occur at the site that produced the highest disease pressure – most likely in early April 2017. Keep an eye out for updates and if there are questions in regards to trials dont hesitate to ask!

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Picture 1. Sites in the Cleveland area which are helping Dr Nangle with snow mold research


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