
One thing I plan to do in order to achieve Global Awareness is by studying abroad. In my senior year of high school, my school did a foreign exchange trip to Bolzano, Italy. Not only did I get to go overseas with 11 of my closest friends and live with an exchange student for three weeks, but I also got to experience different cultures and lifestyles in a hands on environment. Studying abroad would be an unforgettable experience, and essentially it’s a way to continue your studies, but also travel to new and exotic places that you don’t get to be experienced everyday. In order to achieve Original Inquiry, I plan on doing research over the summer at a local hospital. One of my main long term goals in the future is to be accepted into medical school, and not only is research a possible prerequisite for acceptance, but is it also very intriguing. There’s so much depth and knowledge that still needs to be discovered in the world around us, and one of the main factors that contribute to that is research. Additionally, hands on research can be fun when dealing with certain components. Academic Enrichment has been something I always valued in high school, and I demonstrated this by taking mostly all AP and Honors courses. For my major, I chose Biology because it is such a broad field of study and I felt it gave me the best resources to find a variety things I’m very passionate about and then decide about going into more depth of specific studies.  Also, difficult course work can seem like a challenge at times, but it ultimately pushes people past their mental limits in order to understand concepts they never thought were logical. One of the big things I want to do for Leadership Development is be on the board of certain clubs, and also I want to help incoming freshman, such as being a peer mentor. In high school, I was a class officer and got to speak at graduation and represent my class, and also I was a pathfinder and helped out freshman with their orientation. Both of the experiences gave me benefits and qualities I still use to this day, and I want to further my leadership development in college by doing similar activities. In order to engage in my community with service, I really would love to volunteer at a local hospital. Not only would I be getting visual experience with the field of study I want to pursue a career in, but I would be able to help my community. Service engagements give one the opportunity to make a small difference in the world that could be a big difference to someone else. In high school, I satisfied my main service requirement by volunteering for a little league baseball team with one of my high school teachers. Not only did I get to pass down my love for the game to the next generation, but I got to spend more time being around the game I love.