PubMed Search Tips

Part 1: Finding the PubMed database

First, you’ll need to navigate to the PubMed database through OSU’s online library:

  • In a web browser, navigate to
  • Under Recommended Links on the right side of the screen, click Research Databases List (second option down)
  • In the Find a database search bar, enter “pubmed” and click Find

Part 2: Searching the database

After entering the PubMed database, you’ll be able to search for keywords that pertain to your topic. Let’s use the example of GMO foods:

Part 3: Refining the search details

As you can see, we’ve got over 6,000 results. We’ll want to look at how PubMed interpreted this search so we can start refining it. Along the right side of the window, scroll down to the Search details section and click See more…

After a closer look at the search, we can see that along with searching for “gmo foods” by itself, “food,” “genetically” and “modified” were also searched as individual terms. This may have added some inaccurate or irrelevant results to our search. With this slight adjustment of the search, we’ve reduced the number of results to just over 1,500!

Part 4: Refining the filters

Next, we’ll refine the filters of our search, which appear along the left side of the page. You’ll notice that several filters appear by default with every search; by clicking Show additional filters, you’ll be able to select any filters that are applicable to your search. For this example, we’ll select Language and Ages.

Note: You do not need to deselect any of the filters that are selected by default. They do not affect your search unless you make a specific selection yourself.

Part 5: Selecting specific filter options

You’ve selected filters that make the most sense for your topic, but they haven’t been added to your search yet. You’ll need to select specific filter options that you would like added to your search; in this case, we chose “English” for Language and “Child: birth-18 years” for Ages. Now we’re down to under 100 search results!

Part 6: Changing the format

Sometimes, it may make be beneficial for you to get a quick view of the abstract of each available article right within the search results. To do this, simply change the Format setting located directly beneath the search bar.

Part 7: Locating full texts

For any relevant article you find, you’ll likely want to look into it more by locating a full PDF. To do this, simply click on any article and locate the Find it! @OSU button on the right side of the page. You’ll be asked to open the resource in a new window, where you will see a Files section with any available full text.

Part 8: Finding similar articles

PubMed will point you to a list of articles similar to any article you are currently viewing. Choose any article, and you’ll see a Similar articles section on the right side of the page; click See all… to get a new list of resources. You’ll notice that the filters you set for your original are still in place!

That’s it!

You are ready to navigate the PubMed database! By applying these quick tips to your own topic, you’ll have a much easier time refining your search and gathering quality sources.