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Proceedings of the 21st North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-21)
Volumes 1 and 2
Edited by
- Yun Xiao
June 6 to 8, 2009
Published by Bryant University, Smithfield, Rhode Island
Distributed by NACCL Proceedings Online
- The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
The NACCL-21 Proceedings is available here in PDF format.
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Download the NACCL-21 Proceedings as two PDF files below:
To download individual papers from the two volumes, see below.
Volume 1
(copyright page, table of contents for volume 1, preface, acknowledgment and NACCL Conferences, 1989-2009)
- NACCL-21 Papers: Part 1 (pp. 1 – 27)
- Invited Papers (Numbered 1 to 2)
- Download the full-text PDF files below.
- NACCL-21 Papers: Part 2 – Part 4 (pp. 28 – 208)
- Main Session Papers (Numbered 2 to 15)
- Download the full-text PDF files below
Volume 2
(copyright page and table of contents for volume 2)
- NACCL-21 Papers: Part 5 – Part 6 (pp. 209 – 600)
- Main Session Papers (Numbered 16 to 39)
- Download the full-text PDF files below
Volume 1
Part 1. Invited Papers (1 – 2)
1. Yen-Hwei Lin
Loanword adaptation and phonological theory (p. 1)
2. Hongyin Tao
Core vocabulary in spoken Mandarin and the integration of corpus- based findings into language pedagogy (p. 13)
Part 2. Phonetics and Phonology (1 – 10)
3. Yufen Chang
The phonology of ABB reduplication in Taiwanese (p. 28)
4. Yen-Chen Hao
Tonal adaptation of English loanwords in Cantonese (p. 42)
5. Ting L. Huang
Prosodic influences on Chinese tongue twisters (p. 55)
6. Chien-Hui Lee
The reconstruction of sk- and kr- clusters about Fang Kuei Li (p. 65)
7. Yu-Leng Lin
Tests of analytic bias in native Mandarin speakers and native southern Min speakers (p. 81)
8. Hsiu-Hsueh Liu 劉秀雪
漢語鼻尾小稱與詞根的互動 (p. 93)
9. Chin-Wei Wu
Partial-reduplication with fixed segmentism in Chinese dialects—An Optimality Theory Approach (p. 108)
10. Huili Zhang 张慧丽
偃师方言的儿化及相关问题 (p. 120)
Part 3. Studies in Language Acquisition (11 – 14)
11. Agnes Weiyun He
Conversational repair: Where modality and morality converge (p. 138)
12. Jidong Chen and Ruixi Ai
Encoding motion and state change in L2 Mandarin (p. 149)
13. Po-Ting Chen
Topic and topic-comment structures in first language acquisition of Mandarin Chinese (p. 165)
14. Hsiang-Ting Andrea Wu
Roles of pictures and native language in lexical processing for elementary American learners (p. 178)
Part 4. Study in Historical Linguistics (15)
15. Jung-Im Chang
Grammatical changes reflected in the chapters “Yaodian” (堯典) and “Gaoyao mo” 皋陶謨 in the Shangshu (尚書) and relevant chapters in Shiji 史記 (p. 196)
Part 5. Semantics and Syntax: A Functional Approach (16 – 29)
16. Liang Tao
Serial verb construction in Mandarin Chinese: The interface of syntax and semantics (p. 209)
17. Tao Ming
Grammatical roles of the head noun in Chinese relative clauses (p. 229)
18. Hui Cao
Discourse-oriented distributivity in Mandarin Chinese (p. 247)
19. Xiao-Qin Deng 邓小琴
香港粤语入文变异研究1: 以香港报刊杂志语言使用为例 (p. 256)
20. Chin-Man Kuo
The meaning of S-topics in Mandarin: A crosslinguistic comparison (p. 271)
21. Pei-Jung Kuo
Possessor raising and BA construction (p. 291)
22. Zanhui Huang and Yan Jiang
The function of měi in měi-NPs (p. 304)
23. Ni Eng Lim
Stance-taking with Wo Jue De in conversational Chinese (p. 323)
24. Wan-Hua Lin
Preferred argument structure in Chinese: A comparison among conversations, narratives and written texts (p. 341)
25. Binmei Liu
Chinese discourse markers in oral speech of mainland Mandarin speakers (p. 358)
26. Tom McClive
Romanization patterns in Chinese as evidenced by a personal name corpus (p. 375)
27. Fei Ren
Aspect and modality of yinggai (p. 388)
28. Juan Wang
A corpus-based study on the Chinese near-synonymous verbs of running (p. 399)
29. Hui Zhang 张慧
现代汉语非宾格结构的内部句法差异 (p. 417)
Part 6. Studies in Generative Grammar (30 – 39)
30. Y.-H. Audrey Li and Shi-Zhe Huang
Looking into clauses (p. 436)
31. Hsiang-Yun Chen
Logophoricity and ziji (p. 464)
32. Hsu-Te Johnny Cheng
Right node raising: Some perspectives from Mandarin Chinese (p. 482)
33. I-Ta Chris Hsieh
Even-focus and VP-fronting in Mandarin Chinese (p. 494)
34. Rui-heng Ray Huang
Resolving a subject-object asymmetry with respect to existential polarity Wh-phrases (p. 508)
35. Xiao-You Kevin Huang
Multiple-modal constructions in Mandarin Chinese: A cartographic approach and an MP perspective (p. 524)
36. Chao Li
Argument realization: Particularities and universals (p. 541)
37. Grant Xiaoguang Li
Distributivity in ellipsis in Chinese (p. 553)
38. Kening Li
An OT analysis of informational focus in Mandarin Chinese (p. 566)
39. Lyn Shan Tieu
Standard vs. sideward movement in verb copying (p. 584)