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NACCL Proceedings Online – NACCL-23 (2011)
Proceedings of the 23th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-23)
Edited by
- Zhuo Jing-Schmidt
June 17-29, 2011
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Distributed by NACCL Proceedings Online
- The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Volume 1
Part I. Corpus Linguistics
1. Tao Ming and Liang Chen (p. 1-17)
The ordering of multiple relative clauses modifying the same head NP in Chinese follows information-flow principles
2. Shan Wang, Sophia Lee and Chu-ren Huang (p. 18-34)
A corpus-based analysis of semantic type system of event nouns: a case study on huìyì
3. Wen Jin (p. 35-50)
A statistical argument for the homophone avoidance approach to the disyllabification of Chinese
Part II. Historical Linguistics
4. Scott DeLancey (p. 51-64)
The origins of Sinitic
5. Jeeyoung Peck (p. 65-83)
Analogy and reanalysis in the postposing of durative and iterative adverbials in the history of Chinese
Part III. Phonetics and Phonology
6. Shawn Yung-hsiang Chang (p. 84-96)
Distinction between Mandarin Tones 2 and 3 for L1 and L2 listeners
7. Ping Jiang and Aishu Chen (p. 97-109)
Representation of Mandarin intonations: boundary tone revisited
8. Yah-ting Shih and Eunjong Kong (p. 110-119)
Perception of Mandarin fricatives by native speakers of Taiwan Mandarin and Taiwanese
9. Ying-Shing Li (p. 120-137)
Investigating Taiwan Southern Min subsyllabic structure using maximum entropy models and wordlikeness judgments
10. Chiung-Yao Wang and Yen-Hwei Lin (p. 138-155)
Variation in Tone 3 Sandhi: the case of prepositions and pronouns
11. Seth Wiener (p. 156-172)
Grass-mud horses to victory: the phonological constraints of subversive puns
12. Seth Wiener and Ya-ting Shih (p. 173-190)
Divergent places of articulation: [w] and [ʋ] in modern spoken Mandarin
Part IV. Psycholinguistics
13. Chien-Jer Charles Lin (p. 191-199)
Chinese and English relative clauses: processing constraints and typological consequences
14. Yowyu Lin (p. 200-214)
Locality versus anti-locality effects in Mandarin sentence comprehension
15. Yu-an Lu (p. 215-226)
The psychological reality of phonological representations: the case of Mandarin fricatives
Part V. Second Language Acquisition
16. Ying Liu and Qian Du (p. 227-236)
Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) learners’ representation of voice in argumentative writing
17. Hongying Xu (p. 237-249)
The acquisition of some properties of the BA construction by English-speaking learners of Chinese
18. Jin Zhang (p. 250-261)
L2 acquisition of Chinese locative inversion
Volume 2
Part I. Semantics and Pragmatics
19. I-Hsuan Chen (p. 1-14)
The semantic constraints on the VERB + zhĕ nouns in Mandarin Chinese
20. Noah Constant (p. 15-29)
On the independence of the Mandarin aspectual and contrastive sentence-final ne
21. Chao Li (p. 30-47)
Postverbal constituents in Mandarin Chinese
22. Yi-Hsien Liu (p. 48-65)
Topic-comment and the Chinese existential construction
23. Lyih-Peir Luo (p. 66-81)
An aspectual approach to the postverbal locative zai-phrase
24. Tianqi Yang (p. 82-92)
Non-literal use of “jade”: a study on “玉” (yu) in Chinese idioms
Part II. Sociolinguistics and Socio-pragmatics
25. Litong Chen (p. 93-104)
The imposition of Cantonese on Mandarin in the city of Guangzhou
26. Si Chen and Caroline Wiltshire (p. 105-122)
Differences of tone representation between younger and older speakers of Nanjing dialect
27. Meihsing Kuo (p. 123-132)
Children in arguments with peers: young children’s strategies as opposer and opposee
28. Woan-Tyng Lee (p. 133-150)
Ideology in address forms — a case study of two political talk shows in Taiwan
Part III. Studies on Regional Varieties of Chinese
29. Yuchau Hsiao (p. 151-163)
Cross-anchoring of tones in Hoiliuk triplication
30. Yenchun Lin (p. 164-174)
Superlatives in Taiwanese
31. Xinyuan Shi (p. 175-189)
Neutralization of T3 and T5 sandhi in Suzhou Chinese
32. Yutian Tan (p. 190-207)
The origin and nature of high rising diminutive tone change in Siyi dialect
33. Hui-ling Yang (p. 208-223)
Is Chinese a negative concord language?
Part IV. Syntax
34. Hsu-Te Cheng (p. 224-240)
Argument ellipsis in Mandarin Chinese
35. Chen-chun E (p. 241-257)
The YUE-construction in Mandarin Chinese
36. Qiaona Yu (p. 266-278)
Rule conspiracy in Chinese time expressions
Part V. Translation Study on Buddhist Sutras
37. Shu-Fen Chen and Bernard Montoneri (p. 279-295)
A study of some punctuation errors found in the Taisho and CBETA Diamond Sutra based on Sanskrit-Chinese comparative studies