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NACCL Proceedings Online — NACCL-20 (2008)

Proceedings of the 20th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics

Proceedings of the 20th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-20)

Volumes 1

Edited by

  • Marjorie K. M. Chan
  • Hana Kang

April 25 to 27, 2008

Columbus, Ohio: East Asian Studies Center, The Ohio State University.

Distributed by NACCL Proceedings Online

  • The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

The Proceedings of the 20th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-20), which celebrates the 20th anniversary of the NACCL conference series, is dedicated to Professor Edwin G. Pulleyblank, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada), in honor of his eighty-fifth birthday, celebrated at the start of NACCL-20 preparations in August 2007.

Printed and bound sets of the NACCL-20 Proceedings will be given to the invited speakers, and some sets will be donated to libraries (e.g. OSU Libraries, U of British Columbia Libraries, U of Alberta Libraries, Library of Congress, etc.) for local borrowing and inter-library loan.


Professor E.G. Pulleyblank passed away peacefully on Saturday, 13 April 2013, at the age of 90. A full list of his publications, spanning six decades — from 1950 through 2008 — is published in this proceedings, as is his last publication, the paper that he presented as our special keynote speaker.

The NACCL-23 Proceedings are available below in PDF format.

  • Adobe Acrobat version 6.0 or higher is required.

To download individual papers from the two volumes, see below:

Volume 1

  • ICS Lecture introduced by Jennifer W. Jay and Derek Herforth

Volume 1: NACCL-20 Papers: Part 1  (pp. 1 – 108)

  • Plenary and Invited Papers   (Numbered I to V)
  • Download the full-text PDF files below.

Volume 1: NACCL-20 Papers: Part 2 – Part 6  (pp. 109 – 526)

  • Main Session Papers   (Numbered 1 to 30)
  • Download the full-text PDF files below.

Volume 2

NACCL-20 Papers: Part 7 to Part 9   (pp. 527 – 1058)

  • Main Session Papers   (Numbered 31 to 69)
  • Full-text PDF are available below


Part 1. Plenary and Invited Papers (I – V)

I. PULLEYBLANK Edwin G. (Plenary Speaker & ICS Lecture Series Speaker)

Language as digital: A new theory of the origin and nature of human speech   (p. 1)

II. TAI James H.-Y. (Plenary Speaker)

The nature of Chinese grammar: Perspectives from sign language   (p. 21)

III. LI Yen-hui Audrey (Plenary Speaker)

Case, 20 years later   (p. 41)

IV. ERNST Thomas (Invited Speaker)

Language as digital: A new theory of the origin and nature of human speech   (p. 69)

V. SANDERS Robert (Invited Speaker)

Tonetic sound change in Taiwan Mandarin: The case of Tone 2 and Tone 3 citation contours   (p. 87)


Part 2. Phonetics and Phonology (1 – 10)


The spotty-data problem in phonology   (p. 109)

2. GUO Lijuan and TAO Liang

Tone production in Mandarin Chinese by American students: A case study   (p. 123)

3. HUNG Tsun-Hui and LEE Chao-Yang

Processing linguistic and musical pitch by English-speaking musicians and non-musicians   (p. 139)

4. LEE Chao-Yang, TAO Liang and BOND Z.S.

Talker and contextual effects on identifying fragmented Mandarin tones   (p. 147)

5. LIAO Rongrong

Mandarin learners’ tonal patterns: An experimental study   (p. 165)

6. LIN Yen-Hwei

Patterned vowel variation in standard Mandarin loanword adaptation: Evidence from a dictionary corpus (p. 175)

7. LIU Joyce H.-C. and WANG H. Samuel

Speech errors of tone in Taiwanese   (p. 189)

8. POSS Nicholas, HUNG Tsun-Hui and WILL Udo

The effects of tonal information on lexical activation in Mandarin   (p. 205)

9. WU Chen-huei

Filled pauses in L2 Chinese: A comparison of native and non-native speakers   (p. 213)

10. YANG Chunsheng

Temporal cues of discourse boundaries in L1/L2 Mandarin speech   (p. 229)


Part 3. Word-Formation and Numeral classifers (11 – 14)

11. LIU Yi-Hsien

Number deletion and classifier realization in three Chinese dialects   (p. 243)

12. PIRANI Laura

Bound roots in Mandarin Chinese and comparison with European “semi-words”   (p. 261)

13. WANG Lianqing

Historical and dialectal variants of Chinese general classifiers — On the criteria of general classifiers   (p. 279)

14. YIP Colum Chak Lam

Complicating the oversimplification: Chinese numeral classifiers and true measures   (p. 285)


Part 4. Some Issues in Second Language Acquisition (15 – 17)

15. JIN Lingxia

Markedness and second language acquisition of word order in Mandarin Chinese   (p. 297)

16. LIANG Neal Szu-Yen

The acquisition of Chinese shape classifiers by L2 adult learners   (p. 309)

17. ZHANG Yongfang

How Chinese native speakers handle written style material in reading and its application in second language instruction   (p. 327)


Part 5. Sociolinguistics, Signed language and Language Contact (18 – 23)

18. CHAN Marjorie K.M. and XU Wang   

Modality effects revisited: Iconicity in Chinese Sign Language   (p. 343)

19. GAO Liwei

Language change in progress: Evidence from computer-mediated communication   (p. 361)

20. JAY Jennifer W. 

Rapper Jin’s (歐陽靖) ABC: Acquiring spoken Cantonese and transnational identity through restaurant culture and Hong Kong TV   (p. 379)

21. LIAO Silvie

A perceptual dialect study of Taiwan Mandarin: Language attitudes in the era of political battle   (p. 391)

22. QIN Xizhen

Choices in terms of address: A sociolinguistic study of Chinese and American English practices   (p. 409)

23. YAN Jing

Linguistic convergence and divergence in Guangzhou (Canton City): Social variation of Vernacular Written Cantonese   (p. 423)


Part 6. Topics in Historical Linguistics (24 – 30)

24. CHU Chia-ning 竺家寧

早期佛經詞義的義素研究 — 與「觀看」意義相關的動詞分析   (p. 437)

25. HERFORTH Derek

Working out basic patterns in Classical Chinese syntax: Further data on the benefactive ditransitive in Late Zhou   (p. 455)

26. HUANG Yu-cheng 黃育正

現代漢語程度副詞「格外」的歷時演變過程及其認知解釋   (p. 473)

27. WU Sue-mei 

Instrumentality: The core meaning of the coverb yi 以 in Classical Chinese   (p. 489)

28. WU Xiaoqi

The word order of the ditransitive construction with gei revisited   (p. 499)

29. ZHAO Tong

Reconstruction of Old Chinese back vowels   (p. 509)

30. ZHENG Rongbin

Zhongxian (中仙) Min dialect: A preliminary study of language contact and stratum-formation   (p. 517)


Part 7.   Syntax and Semantics (31 – 59)

31. AI Ruixi Ressy and CHEN Jidong

A puzzle in Chinese dative shift   (p. 527)

32. CHANG Melody Ya-Yin

Postverbal particles in Naxi   (p. 539)

33. CHEN Liping  

The scalarity of dou in focus structure   (p. 549)

34. CHEN Weirong

Relative clauses in Hui’an dialect   (p. 567)

35. CHENG Hsu-Te Johnny

Attitude phrase and a puzzle of reconstruction   (p. 583)

36. DONAZZAN Marta

Presupposition on times and degrees: The semantics of Mandarin hái   (p. 597)

37. GAO Qian

Word order in Mandarin: Reading and speaking   (p. 611)

38. HE Baozhang 何宝璋

谈 “有(一)点 + 静态动词” 的语义及语用功能   (p. 627)

39. HSU Yu-Yin

The sentence-internal topic and focus in Chinese   (p. 635)

40. HU Jianhua and Pan Haihua

Mandarin intransitive verbs and their objects at the syntax-information structure interface   (p. 653)

41. HU Wenze 胡文泽

‘把’字句语法意义在现代汉语‘把’字结构句中的不均衡表现   (p. 665)

42. HUANG Hui-Yu Catherine

Ambiguity in the affirmative/negative ‘V u/bo NP’ construction in Taiwanese Southern Min   (p. 675)

43. HUANG Yahui Anita

Prepositions in Chinese bare conditionals   (p. 691)

44. KUO Pei-Jung 

Light verb construction as a case of remnant movement   (p. 705)

45. KUONG Io-Kei Joaquim

Yes/no question particles revisited: The grammatical functions of mo4, me1, and maa3   (p. 715)

46. LI Chao

On the headedness of Mandarin resultative verb compounds   (p. 735)

47. LI Dianyu

Analyzing passive constructions in the finite state   (p. 751)

48. LI Kening

Contrastive Focus Structure in Mandarin Chinese   (p. 759)

49. LIN Yi-An

A probe-goal approach to parametric variation in English and Mandarin Chinese nominal phrases   (p. 775)

50. QIAN Nairong 钱乃荣

上海方言的时态   (p. 785)

51. REN Fei

Temporal meaning of –le in Chinese   (p. 789)

52. ROUZER Jack

Adjectivals and adverbials: On the representation of quantities and qualities in Chinese and implications for language typology   (p. 801)

53. SHEN Yang 沈阳

补语小句和处所义双宾结构的句法构造   (p. 813)

54. SIMPSON Andrew and HO Hao Tam

The comparative syntax of passive structures in Chinese and Vietnamese   (p. 825)

55. TIEU Lyn Shan

Non-referential verb use in Chinese: A unified verb copying analysis   (p. 843)

56. TSENG Yu-Ching

Branching consistency as a syntactic OCP constraint on Hakka relative construction   (p. 861)

57. WANG Xin

The semantics and pragmatics of liandou/ye, lian, dou, and ye   (p. 875)

58. ZHANG Lan

Locative inversion and aspect markers le and zhe in Mandarin Chinese   (p. 893)

59. ZHANG Qing

The negative auxiliary in Chinese imperatives   (p. 903)


Part 8.  Sentence-Processing and Psycholinguistic Studies (60 – 63)

60. HSU Dong-Bo

Structural persistence in Mandarin Chinese preschoolers   (p. 913)

61. HUANG Yu-chi and KAISER Elsi

Investigating filler-gap dependencies in Chinese topicalization   (p. 927)

62. NG Shukhan

An active gap strategy in the processing of filler-gap dependencies in Chinese   (p. 943)

63. WANG Zhijun

Context coercion in sentence processing: Evidence from Chinese   (p. 959)


Part 9. Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis (64 – 69)

64. DONG Xinran

Chinese requests in academic settings   (p. 975)

65. HE Yi

Humor in discourse: A linguistic study of the Chinese dialect film, Crazy Stone (疯狂的石头)   (p. 989)

66. KANG Hana

A discourse analysis of code-switching in Falling Leaves and Luoyeguigen (落葉歸根)   (p. 999)

67. MENG Nan

Making requests: A pragmatic study of Chinese mother-child dyads   (p. 1011)

68. TSAI I-Ni

Projecting the unanticipatory: The Mandarin particle ei and its projectability in daily conversation   (p. 1023)

69. YANG Jia

How to say ‘no’ in Chinese: A pragmatic study of refusal strategies in five TV series   (p. 1041)
