NACCL-34 — 24-25 September 2022 – Indiana University
第 34 屆北美漢語語言學會議
Theme: “Data, Methods, and Application in Chinese Linguistics”
– Call for Papers— 2nd call for papers; extended deadline: 1 March 2022 @ 11:59 PM (anywhere in the world!)
A pre-conference Workshop on Data and Methods will be held on 23 September 2022.
– Conference website:
(NACCL-34 was postponed from Spring 2022)
NACCL-33 — 24-25 June 2021 – University of Chicago
第 33 屆北美漢語語言學會議
Theme: “Variation and Change in Chinese Varieties around the Globe”
– Conference website:
NACCL-32 — 18-10 September 2020, University of Connecticut
(postponed from 24-26 April 2020, due to coronavirus concerns)
第 32 届北美汉语语言学会议
– Conference website:
NACCL-31 — suspended
NACCL-30 — 9-11 March 2018, The Ohio State University
第 30 届北美汉语语言学会议
The 30th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-30) will be held at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, on 9-11 March 2018.
Conference website:
The theme of the conference: Chinese Linguistics: From the field, from the lab, and from the armchair
NACCL-29 — 16-18 June 2017, Rutgers University
第 29 届北美汉语语言学会议
The 29th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-29) will be held at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, June 16-18, 2017.
Conference website:
The theme of the conference:
Perspectives on the History, Geography, and Sociolinguistics of Chinese and Chinese Dialects
The many varieties of Chinese have always existed in a state of dynamic variation and change. Their various grammatical features and states, including phonology, lexicon, morphology, and syntax, have followed the natural tendency of languages to change. The changes have been influenced and shaped by historical events, population movements, geographical proximity and distance, and any number of social and cultural forces. The dialect of an individual speaker results from the interplay of these various influences and forces and often continues to respond to them as well as broadcast its own influence within a speech community and across time into the future. As such, a linguistic description is merely a snapshot of one linguistic type in a given time and place, whether it be experimentally derived, obtained instrumentally, or recorded through traditional means. Through the examination and comparison of linguistic data, linguistic descriptions, and the individual linguistic snapshots they represent, from both synchronic and diachronic perspectives, we can discover a great deal about the background to language variety, the motivations for language change, as well as reason for current linguistic states and the shape of dialects in points both past and present.
With an eye to the above theme, the conference organizers welcome all topics related to Chinese linguistics, but especially welcome proposals for papers and presentation at NACCL-29 on the following topics:
- Sociolinguistic cultural perspectives on the dialects of the Chinese speaking diaspora
- Geolinguistic and Sociolinguistic examinations of Chinese dialects
- Historical linguistics and the history of Chinese phonology, grammar, and lexicon
- Multilingualism, language contact, and language policy in the present and in the past
Abstract submission
- Abstracts are invited for 25 minute presentations (including time allotted for questions)
- Abstracts and Presentations can be in English or Standard Chinese
- Abstracts should be submitted to:
- Abstracts should be submitted electronically in doc, plain text, or pdf format. Only electronic submissions are accepted
- Abstracts should be no more than 300 words on one page and be anonymous without any identifiable author information in the abstract itself
- Author’s name, affiliation, and email can be provided with the abstract but separate from it on the submission page at the above link
Abstract submission: October 15, 2016 to January 15, 2017
Notice of acceptance: February 17, 2017, or soon thereafter
Organizers and Contacts
Conference contact e-mail: <> (English)
会议电子邮箱: <> (中文)
- Richard V. Simmons
- Jenny Yang
- John Phan
- Luca Lacoponi
- Yu Lou
- Wei Yang
- Qixia Zhang
NACCL-28 — 5-8 May 2016, Brigham Young University
The 28th annual North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL–28) organized by Brigham Young University will be held at the Provo Marriott Hotel and Conference Center from May 5th to May 8th in Provo, Utah. NACCL is the largest conference on Chinese linguistics in North America, held at a different North American university each year, and it draws international participation. NACCL-28 organizing committee consists of: Dana Bourgerie (白杰理), Chair; Yu Liu (刘瑜), Co-chair; and the following faculty members: Matthew Christensen (岑民兆), Ellen Knell, Xinyi Wu (吴辛夷), and Hsiao-Chien Chen (陳曉倩). For details on the conference, go to:
Abstracts are invited for 20-minute talks (plus 10 minutes for discussion) in all research areas of Chinese linguistics: theoretical, experimental, and applied. Abstracts should be submitted online no later than 11:59 pm, January 15th, 2016.
The theme of the conference will be Language Diversity and Language Variation. There is a long tradition of examining and documenting the myriad varieties of the Chinese language. However, until more recent decades, most of the work on variation has been in the form of traditional dialectology and–––to a lesser extent––through the lens of language policy. In addition to policy and dialect studies, there is now a substantial literature in the sociolinguistics of Chinese, including work on language contact, multilingualism, and other related disciplines. By its nature the study of variation interfaces with all the major linguistic sub-disciplines (e.g., phonology, morphology, syntax, pragmatics, and lexicography) and variation can be approached in many ways, including through traditional fieldwork and through natural language corpora. Moreover, understanding the nature of variation also impacts how Chinese is taught as a second language, particularly at the higher levels. Specifically, the existence of variation in everyday language raises questions about how teachers of Chinese mediate standard language in the classroom and how much they expose students to non-standard language in preparing them for interaction in the broad Chinese-speaking world.
Following the variation theme, conference organizers welcome all topics related to Chinese linguistics, but especially seek papers for presentation at NACCL-28 on the following topics:
1) Research that directly addresses the interface of language and culture;
2) Traditional Chinese dialectology
3) Language Contact, Multilingualism, Language policy, and Inter-language, and Code-switching
4) Historical linguistics and grammaticalization
Immediate Past NACCL Conference:
NACCL-27 — 3-5 April 2015, U. of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
The 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-27) (第27屆北美漢語語言學會議) will be held on 3-5 April 2015 at the University of California at Los Angeles, to be organized by Professor Hongyin Tao (陶红印). For details, go to:
While papers addressing issues in all aspects of Chinese linguistics are welcome, the conference organizers give priority to two types of papers for presentation at NACCL-27:
- Linguistic research cast with pedagogical implications;
- Teaching and learning studies raising important issues for linguistic research.
Future NACCL Conferences
NACCL conferences are held in spring or early summer, and typically in May. However, they have been held as early as April and as late as June in order to accommodate the organizers and the host institution’s schedule. NACCL is held jointly with the annual conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL) when the latter is hosted in North America, as in the case of 2010, when NACCL-22 was held in conjunction with IACL-18 at Harvard University, or in 2014, when NACCL-26 was held in conjunction with IACL-22 at University of Maryland.
Past & Upcoming NACCL Conferences
See the institutions and hosts of NACCL’s past & upcoming conferences, and check out past programs and links to earlier NACCL conferences with websites that are still available online.