Theatre and Voice Acting and Music


There is nothing in the world that gives me more joy than live performance.

I have found that since my junior year of high school that drama is my favorite thing of all time to do. I love every aspect from acting to singing to dancing to set design to light design to prop design to costume design and so on. I aspire to create my own nonprofit theatre where I can produce countless shows, teach children about the world of acting and the importance of arts and culture, and inspire others.







Voice Acting

Here is an old demo reel I created about a year ago.

Trying something new, earning a few extra bucks.

I have been voice acting for about two years now. I have been on a variety of projects from an article narrator for Listle, a few indie video game characters, and several animations (a few right here at OSU). It is a job that varies in it’s work load, some jobs require intensive audio editing, some just want the raw sound file. It isĀ usually a lot of fun and I enjoy it very much.



I perform and compose music!

Most of my music career has been performing other’s songs, but recently I have dipped my toe into composing original works. Hopefully within the next year or so I’ll have a full album to release!

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