Journey To Treasure


Using instructions given to you from another student in class, go on a journey, documenting the process and the final destination in the form of observational drawings. Use the moleskin and pencils only.



The instructions to my treasure were flowery and contained many steps. The final destination was the Connecting Grounds coffee shop on North Campus.

As a result, it was necessary for me to create a map to guide my way through the possible locations as well as remind myself that previous ways I went are not to be explored again or looped back towards.


Drawing seriously for the first time, exploring observational drawing, linework, and shading.

Before this, I have never taken any sort of art class and this process was entirely new for me. Observational drawing was something I was unfamiliar with as a way of drawing, only familiar with interpreted and calculated drawings. The mimicking of real life was entirely foreign to me. I worked hard to get a basic grasp of observational drawing, studying the process and practicing often throughout the project’s runtime to get the best result possible. I struggled and became frustrated often, but I persisted and I decided to focus on linework instead of shading, opting to master one skill over the combined two. This choice also was heavily inspired by the look and style of graphic novels and comic books.



Progress Posts – Journey to Treasure – 2310 – Project One

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