Dynamic Page


Create a paper craft that communicates an idea. The idea must have two or more states and dynamically shift from one to another.



How are you to react when told to think about yourself first? Is it selfish or is it self-care? How I brought this to attention through this project.

So often are we told to self-care, to take measures to protect ourselves, to be vigilant and put yourself first. On the other hand, we are told to remain compassionate, stay empathetic, and think of others. This dynamic paper form brings attention that blatant hypocrisy without giving an answer, simply suggesting you think about it. The form swaps between four states in a sequential order, starting from any state. If moving “inward” it transforms from a full-body shot of a person, zooming into the next state, a close up of that same persons face. From here the next zoom in goes into the head and reveals a brain, the next zoom revealing a thought inside the brain. Once you zoom into this thought it is the same full-body shot of the person from before. This order can also be reversed in the “outward” way of transformation. The background colors lead into each other and the entire form is made of a combination of Bristol board and colored cardstock.


Tackling unresponsive design and how I pivoted my original concept into the final product.

Originally, my initial designs were that of a hexaflexagon, a flat paper craft with six separate states, three of them hidden. I wanted to create a sort of “find the secrets” game within my paper craft, but as I tested and allowed other classmates to play with the craft without being prompted, I learned the form was extremely confusing. At a loss but determined to make a form of the hexaflexagon, I pivoted to change concepts entirely to the much easier to understand flexagon.

Progress Posts – Dynamic Page – 2330 – Project One



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