2D Principles and Squares


Using elements and principles learned in class, create a communicative and expressive scene to define a given set of words. Each word/frame may only use four squares in total, the entire project must be done digitally and in black and white.



This was the first time I went through an intensive iterative process. This was also the first time I actively researched to more deeply understand the project.

Learning about iteration was interesting and has been a huge part of my design learning process. Introduced in this project, the ability to test, experiment, and not become too attached to any certain idea has helped me not only in my work in these classes, but my day-to day life. Trying new things, finding out what works and what does not, and reacting accordingly to make the best possible product is a skill that is extremely necessary in this line of work.

As informed in class, we were told to research each of the six words given (order, playful, bold, congested, increase, tension). Doing this opened my eyes to new ways of doing things, allowing for a greater understanding of each word, and further interpretation that were not previously a part of my sphere of knowledge. Understanding how basic research can impact a project so deeply, I came to appreciate and use this simple and easily accessible tool in all my subsequent work.


The interpretation of the words and phrases.

For “order” I wanted to emphasize two sides to the word, a systematic organization of things and a request to create or receive something. I highlighted this by mimicking a conveyer belt producing white squares.

For “playful” I kept it extremely simple. A small, in-motion, white square peeking around a large black square. This was based off of hide-and-seek and the childish fun that accompanies it.

For “bold” I also emphasized two meanings of the word, having an outstanding appearance and being willing to take risks. The only black square obviously being the outstanding appearance, pushing through a line of white squares and as a result, acting risky and pushing the last square out of the frame.

For “congested” I kept it simple again. I squeezed three white squares into the already cramped space of a black square.

For “increase” I played on two interpretations for the same meaning of the word. One way to view the frame is the small triangle ascending, increasing in height. The second way to interpret it is the larger square getting closer, increasing in proximity in a sort of two-frame animation.

For “tension” I played with scale to create a feeling of crushing weight as well as imbalance as the squares on the right fall out of the frame.

Progress Posts – 2D to 3D Orthographic – 2110 – Project Two

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