This year the Midwest Slavic Conference is offering two new participation options for individuals who are NOT submitting a proposal for a panel. Individual participants can submit proposals for either preparing a short, pre-recorded presentation OR posting a conference paper to the conference website.
Pre-recorded presentations: Participants who opt for this option will record themselves giving their presentation in advance. This can include speaking through a slide presentation. Any software may be used but the final file format submitted must be submitted as an MP4 file. Presentations must be no longer than 15 minutes, however, shorter lengths are encouraged to encourage more participants and audience members to view each other’s presentations.
Posting a conference paper: Participants who choose this option will prepare a traditional, written conference paper with a suggested length of 8-10 double-spaced pages, not inclusive of citations. The final file format must be a PDF. Speaking or recording will not be required for this option.
How individual presentations will take place: All individual presenters will be required to submit directly to CSEES their final video or paper file by Monday, April 5. We will then post all files to the conference website by Friday, April 9. These will be posted on a webpage that is password protected and only registered attendees will be able to access this page! Attendees will then have a week to view and/or read individual presentations at their leisure. Then on Friday, April 16 from 1PM EDT – 5PM EDT, there will be specific one-hour time slots based on disciplines (literature/culture/film, history, linguistics, and social sciences) in which attendees may log-in to discuss presentations with one another LIVE via blog postings and Zoom meeting rooms. These sessions will not have moderators or discussants but will be self-driven discussions based on the participants present. CSEES staff will help to start each session with some basic introductions and questions to get the conversations started.
For a refresher, take a second look at the full CFP and schedule for further details and timelines.