Transportation Draft Designs

Dragon Concept Sketch


I added Eyes, saddle, fire breath, pulley system for it to be suspended by. I added some luxuries to the system to make it seem more alive and added some functionality to it so it can suspend from the pulley system.

Spaceship 1 Concept Sketch


I added wings for aerodynamic purposes and guns to give it some freight and intimidation factor for some ecstatically pleasing features to it.


Spaceship 2 Concept Sketch


The design idea aimed around for intimidation from the true holder of the galaxy. The ships are large and magnificent at carrying objects like planes which would work out for our design.



Individual Concept Sketches


This concept idea came round because cars are great at carrying things and have trunk space so it would be efficient at holding and transporting objects.

Brainstorming Results

The team brainstormed ideas that are transportation ideas because they are efficient at carrying objects from different time periods because people might think different ideas are more pleasing than others. The team wanted some silly ideas to toss around since we didn’t want to limit our creativity and lessen the experience. We wanted to stick to a theme of flying machines of some sort.

Most Liked Concept Ideas

The two most liked concepts are the Dragon and the Porsche slant nose design. The dragon has potential because it has a flat back that would be able to hold objects on it with a better sense of balance compared to the other options. It would be a design capable of durability besides the wings. The would be the most fragile part of the build and would allow our love for dragons shine through. The second design is a car because cars typically have a balance in mind and cars are already amazing ways of transportation and the real ideas is who doesn’t like Porsches? The car design could be made in front and back half making a very durable design with a lot support structure thought of within it. The two designs should be durable and function well with railed guided driving practices and have the potential to relieve technicians of unneeded stress with installation.