We set out to find a problem that needed addressed and fix that problem. The problem we settled on was muscle soreness and fatigue.
Globally, the pain-relief industry is a multi-billion dollar business. Everyone will deal with pain at some point in their life, and that pain will prevent them, or at the very least discourage them, from doing something they want to do or that they know they should do.
Our service would be unlike anything else on the market; a portable bathing unit. The hope is that it will help to address pain in a unique and somewhat innovative way, helping people gain access to a new form of pain relief. As a potentially time-saving service and one which may help to address their pain in a new way, it is our hope that it will improve the lives of our costumers. Their pain will be reduced, and knowing that they’ll have easy and time-efficient access to some relaxation and relief from their soreness and fatigue may make them feel more motivated to exercise. So this could help to improve the health of the public.
Economic and Market Size
As noted, the pain relief industry takes in several billion dollars every year. Just in the U.S., some 20+ million adults between the ages of 18 and 64 exercise regularly and this service may prove useful for them. That’s a very large market, and if our costumers are repeat costumers, we might not have to capture a large slice of that market to realize a profit.
But in addition to that, we’ve been looking into the possibility of having local businesses subsidize the installation and maintenance of the rail system in exchange for adding those businesses as stops on the route. The main businesses that we believe would be interested would be such businesses as gyms, hotels, and the like. If we could find businesses willing to help subsidize the system, this could allow us to reduce the cost to our costumers, improving the odds of them using the service regularly.