Integrated Transportation System

Our real world environment is set in LA because our target audience is young people who tend to work out frequently. The first picture represents our track and the second picture represents our real world track. Two tracks are represented for the real world for some variation. The correlating track we chose to use is the shorter one, it has straight edges and curves. The only differences being that the real world track has subtle inclines where the real world examples incline have more of an incline. Also, the real world example is a route that is primarily on the express way and doesn’t come into contact with any gates. The scale from the real world route and the classroom is one inch on the track is 100 feet in the real world.


The units would be made to run on a rail system and would run autonomously (the user would input their destination, then an A.I. would operate the mobile tub and deliver it to the selected location).  The prototype works via two propellers placed at the front of the vehicle; the real-world equivalent, once built, would likely run using the same batter-electricity technology that some railcars use.