Final Requirements Scorecard

Score card:

Requirement Ideal Best Result Percentage
Must be able to carry 1 caboose Possible Achieved 100%
Must be able to back up Possible Achieved 100%
Must have capacity for passengers (Items in Caboose) All Items Remain in Caboose Achieved 100%
Must be able to stop accurately at 3 stops on route 3 stops accurate to 3 inch radius 2/3  stops were accurate 66.7%
Must be able to stop for long enough to load/unload 7 seconds minimum All stops were long enough 100%
Must be able to be stored quickly Within 1 minute ~40 seconds 100%


The final scorecard has requirements that apply to the real-world bus system, such as the accurate stops, scaled down to the model we ran, but also included goals for the model, such as the storage time and items in the caboose.