Year in Review (Year 2)

Skill development, in-depth knowledge, and leadership were the primary goals of my second year at Ohio State. The first semester of the year comprised of two major new experiences, starting the position as a Teaching Assistant (TA) within the Engineering Education Department (EED) and beginning my path to completing a mathematics minor. The TA role has allowed me to obtain a deeper understanding within MATLAB and SOLIDWORKS, which are primary programs within the mechanical engineering profession. The mathematics minor has a specialization within project-based courses, which provides me insight into applications that are used within the product development field, more specifically differential equations. The second semester of the year included the first courses while being enrolled as a mechanical engineer, no longer a pre-major. With the enrolment came challenges and competition, the first courses in the major are what later courses are built on and mechanical engineering being one of the more competitive majors of engineering to get into mean each one of your classmates are extremely intelligent, adding to the course difficulty. I also took part in my first primarily design-based courses, where I used machinery to fabricate an air motor and coded with an Arduino a PPE Station. These directly lead into the product development and design engineering internship that I am taking part in this summer. At Solutions in Polycarbonate, I will be designing drawings, fabrications components, and completing calculations with a professional engineer.

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