4-H Camp Ohio Second Century Campaign – Help Support the Future of 4-H Camp Ohio

In five years, 4-H Camp Ohio will celebrate its 100th anniversary of providing exceptional youth development experiences to countless 4-H members and more recently school students. Now serving its 4th generation of 4-H campers, it continues to be a place where young people come, learn, and grow in a unique learning environment.

4-H Camp Ohio is kicking off a major fund drive entitled the Second Century Campaign. The campaign motto is Renewing the Vision which recognizes the foresight of a small group of 4-H Extension Agents who came together in 1928 to purchase land and start a legacy that continues today.

To read more about the history of camp and the goals for the campaign, visit: campohio.gives

Many of the structures and program resources that make up the current camp facility were funded by people, businesses and families like yours. The generosity of past donors has allowed us to keep camp fees as low as possible, allowing more youth the opportunity to attend camp.

The Second Century Campaign seeks to secure funding that will help continue this nearly century long tradition. Those who invest in 4-H Camp Ohio will be providing funds to help enhance programming, maintain our facility and provide funding for capital projects planned to enhance camp.

The campaign committee and county 4-H programs ask you to consider making an investment in 4-H Camp Ohio. Donors are welcome to make a one-time donation, or to consider a multi-year pledge.

Giving options are:

  • Givebutter online Donation Platform – This is the preferred method of donating. To donate go to givebutter.com/4HCampOhio
  • Direct Payment – Checks should be made payable to 4-H Camp Ohio with Second Century Campaign in the memo line. Mail to: 11461 Camp Ohio Road, Saint Louisville, Ohio 43071
  • Ohio State University – Donors who wish to donate to 4-H Camp Ohio through the Ohio 4-H Foundation can donate at: giveto.osu.edu/makeagift/details/310109
  • Qualified Charitable Distribution – Donations from Traditional IRA accounts can be paid directly to 4-H Camp Ohio from the donor custodian. This option applies to anyone making required IRA withdrawals. Those interested in supporting the campaign using this method should contact 4-H Camp Ohio for more information. Email: scc@campohio.gives

Feel free share this Second Century Campaign information with your family members and other 4-H Camp Ohio alumni to help us expand our reach to as many friends of camp as possible.