May 8 Update

Today’s update will provide you with information related to the status of the Extension OfficeJunior Fair Entries and Events, the Ohio State Fair Horse Show and FAQs without Answers.

According to our current instructions, OSU Extension staff will be teleworking through July 6. We have limited access to mail (Debbie can pick up office mail every two weeks) and we can only go to our office with permission from our supervisor, which is only being granted in specific cases.

Junior Fair Events – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will there be a fair? Right now, planning for fairs across the state continues. Some early fairs have adopted modified schedules or plans. If plans for the Muskingum County Fair should change, we will provide information to families as Senior Fair Board instructs.
  • What about Quality Assurance and Horse Education Programs? These programs will still be required for youth enrolled in specific projects to exhibit. Virtual options for both will be released in the near future.
  • Are entries for leased horses still due May 15? YES. Please refer to instructions later in this e-mail about submitting entries.
  • What about horse body condition scoring and vaccination requirements? Both requirements are still in effect for the 2020 fair. Body condition scoring will NOT take place on May 27, June 2 or June 3. As Junior Fair rules indicate that the fair horse veterinarian must do the body condition scoring, the Saddle Horse Committee will be discussing options at a meeting in the near future. Signed documentation of a five-way vaccine from a veterinarian is required when completing the Junior Fair entry (due May 15 for leased horses and June 15 for owned horses). Exhibitors should get the vaccinations and documentation from their own veterinarian.
  • Will Market Lamb and Goat Registration take place on June 1? Market Lamb and Goat Registration will NOT be held on June 1. Instead, exhibitors will be required to submit three photos with their entry form: 1)  FRONT VIEW photo of the animal from a close distance, Scrapie ID should be visible; 2) Photo of the ear with Scrapie ID tag so the number can be read; 3) SIDE VIEW photo of the animal from a close distance. Please refer to instructions later in this e-mail about submitting entries.
  • Will Breeding Rabbit Registration take place on June 1? Breeding Rabbit Registration will NOT be held on June 1. Instead, breeding rabbits must be tattooed at the fairgrounds during Market Rabbit Registration on July 16, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. if they have not been tattooed. If your rabbit does not have a tattoo at the time of entry, please enter “none”. If your rabbit does have a tattoo, please enter it on the entry form. Please refer to instructions later in this e-mail about submitting entries.
  • I haven’t seen any stall sheets on the website. Are they Junior Fair Entries still due June 15? YES. As a result of the July 6 programming/office restrictions and the Stay Safe Ohio Order, no paper or PDF Registration and Stall Sheet forms will be provided for Junior Fair entries due June 15. Instead, youth will submit Junior Fair livestock entries by completing the appropriate Qualtrics survey, available on the Extension Office website under 4-H Youth Development>Junior Fair. Exhibitors are encouraged to review 2020 Muskingum County Junior Fair Livestock Entry Instructions to familiarize themselves with the process and reach out to Jamie ( if you have questions.

Ohio State Junior Fair Horse Show
There will not be PAS qualifying horse shows this year. Registration for the Ohio State Fair will be accepted first-come, first-serve with members in their final year of 4-H receiving priority. Registration opens June 1. State Fair has allowed counties to have additional requirements to qualify for the horse show. The Muskingum County 4-H Saddle Horse Committee has determined eligibility requirements and communicated this information to volunteers with horses in their club. Results of the selection process will be shared with club volunteers on May 25, allowing youth to have time to register for OSF. Reminder: State Fair horses must have a current negative Coggins test dated on or after January 1, 2020. Coggins paperwork must be submitted to Jamie ( by July 1 for submission by the entry deadline. All Coggins paperwork will be submitted by the county.

FAQs without Answers
The following questions are being frequently asked, and we are still waiting on guidance before finding solutions. Thank you for your continued patience, as we work through numerous unknowns.

  • What is the status of royalty/ambassador contests?
  • What about public speaking contests, workforce preparation day and still project judging?
  • What about Livestock Skillathon?