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2019 Muskingum County 4-H Family Handbook
Cloverbud Camp Registration Deadline – June 3
Cloverbud Camp Registrations are now available!. The deadline to register is June 3, 4:30 p.m. Visit the 4-H Youth Development>4-H Cloverbuds page of our website for more information.
Lamb & Goat Registration – June 3, 4-7 p.m.
All Market Lamb & Goat project participants must attend Lamb & Goat Registration to have their animals tagged and weighed on June 3 from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at the Hog Barn on the fairgrounds. All animals must go across the scales. Youth must bring their completed Registration/Stall Sheet. Exhibitors must include all sheep & goats to be exhibited at the fair on their Registration/Stall Sheet as they should only submit one stall sheet per specie. Please be sure the stall sheet is signed by a club volunteer before weigh-in. If it is not signed, a club volunteer will need to come to the Extension Office by June 15 for your entry to be complete.
All lambs & goats exhibited at the Muskingum County Fair are required to have a scrapie ID prior to exhibiting at the fair. All market lambs & goats must have a scrapie tag in their ear prior to arriving at Lamb & Goat Registration. If a lamb or goat does not have a scrapie ID at weigh-in, the animal will be dismissed. Ear tag IDs must be in the animal’s ear.
Need a stall sheet? Visit our website.
Breeding Rabbit Registration – June 3, 6-8 p.m.
Breeding Rabbit Registration is scheduled for June 3 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Rabbit Barn on the fairgrounds. All rabbits must be tattooed at that time if they do not already have a tattoo.
Bring your completed Breeding Rabbit Registration/Hutch Sheet with you on June 3. Please be sure the stall sheet is signed by a club volunteer before registration. If it is not signed, a club volunteer will need to come to the Extension Office by June 15 for your entry to be complete.
If your rabbits are already tattooed, you can complete your Rabbit Registration/Hutch Sheet and submit it to the Extension Office by June 15. Back-up rabbits must be tattooed and registered by the deadline.
Need a stall sheet? Visit our website.
Speaking Contest Registration Deadline – June 7
June 18 @ John McIntire Library, Deadline to Register is June 7
Health & Safety Speaking, 5:00 p.m.
Demonstrations & Illustrated Talks, 6:00 p.m.
Junior Camp – June 9-13
Registered participants can download the camper packet, which has details they need on our website. Reminders will be sent out later this week.
Livestock Quality Assurance Deadline – June 15
The deadline for youth exhibitors to receive their Quality Assurance Certification in order to exhibit at the Muskingum County Fair is June 15. There are a few out of county dates still available this week!
Junior Fair Stall Sheet/Registration Deadline – June 15
Because the June 15 deadline falls on a Saturday, stall sheets must be submitted to the Extension office by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, June 17, with the exception of Leased Horses, Market Rabbits and Feeder Calves. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED! Leases for Dairy and Llama projects are also due.
Volunteers received stall sheets when they completed their club book order and should disburse them to all members. Forms are also available on our website under 4-H Youth Development>Junior Fair. A volunteer from each club must collect ALL stall sheets, review them for accuracy and compare with project enrollment, sign them and submit them to the Extension Office for the club.
Each exhibitor must submit only ONE stall sheet per specie. The only exception is if an exhibitor is registering through two different clubs/chapters in the same species, then a stall sheet is required for each club. (For example, John is exhibiting a market steer through his 4-H club and a breeding heifer through FFA, then John will need a beef stall sheet for 4-H and beef stall sheet for FFA.)
Dog Registration Forms Due – June 15
Because the June 15 deadline falls on a Saturday, Dog Registration Forms must be submitted to the Extension office by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, June 17 to be eligible to participate in the Dog Show on July 23 . Proof of Vaccinations must accompany all Dog Registration Forms. More information can be found on page 15 of the 2019 Muskingum County 4-H Family Handbook.
Early Still Project Judging – June 19 & June 25
Youth must attend a county level judging for still projects this year. There will be no advisor grade options this year. Options are Early Judging by appointment on June 19 or 25, or Still Project Judging on July 10. More information can be found on page 5 of the 2019 Muskingum County 4-H Family Handbook
Cloverbud Interview Night – June 19
The Muskingum County 4-H Junior Leaders will be hosting the first-ever Cloverbud Interview Night on June 19 from 6-8 p.m. at the Veteran’s Building on the Fairgrounds.
Ohio State Fair Livestock and Dog Show Entry Deadline – June 20
Youth wishing to show livestock or dogs at the Ohio State Fair must complete the entry process by June 20. Youth are strongly encouraged to complete the entry process online. If you choose to complete the paper entry form, please be sure Jamie is available in the office to sign before stopping by. For more information, visit the Ohio State Fair’s website.
4-H CARTEENS Program – June 20
4-H CARTEENS takes place at the Muskingum County Juvenile Court. Youth interested in becoming 4-H CARTEENS volunteer presenters should contact the Extension Office for details.
PAS Show – June 22
Muskingum County youth interested in registering for the PAS Show (State Fair Horse Qualifier) should register through their 4-H volunteers by June 19 at 4:30 p.m. Information for volunteers can be found in the letter that was sent.
Junior Fair Board – June 24, 6-7:30 p.m.
Junior Fair Board scheduled to meet at the Extension Office.
Camp Team Meeting #26 – June 26, 6-8 p.m.
Junior Camp counselors and staff will meet at the Extension Office.
Cloverbud Day Camp – June 28
Cloverbud Day Camp will take place at McDonald’s Greenhouse. Deadline to register is June 3. Visit the 4-H Youth Development>4-H Cloverbuds page of our website for more information.
Writing Project Portfolios Due – June 30
Youth enrolled in or #588: The Writer in You must submit their writing portfolios to the Extension Office by 4:30 p.m. on June 30 to be reviewed by the judge prior to still project judging. Failure to do so will result in loss of at least one letter grade at judging. Members will not receive their portfolio back before judging. Portfolios will be brought to judging by the judge. More information can be found on page 11 of the 2019 Muskingum County 4-H Family Handbook.