Pesticide Applicator Exam Training Session for New Applicators, Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A pesticide applicator exam training session will be offered on January 21, 2025, 6:00 PM, at the Rural Services Building, 225 Underwood St, Zanesville. In order to obtain a Private Pesticide Applicator License, individuals must pass the exam which is administered by the Ohio Department of Agriculture.  Those who wish to use Restricted Use Products must acquire an applicators license to purchase and apply product. This training is intended to provide an overview of the concepts presented in the exam as preparation.  To register for this training session please email or call 740-454-0144.

OSU Extension provides information on Private Pesticide Licensing here:

Following this training session, the Ohio Department of Agriculture will be present at the Rural Services Building to administer the exam on:

February 26, 2025, 10:00 AM

(Exam registration at the ODA Website)

Reminder: Pesticide License Recertification and Classes Feb 6 (Day) and Feb 18 (Eve)

If you are a licensed private pesticide applicator and have yet to sign up for recertification classes please do so soon. Letters have been sent out with information to those due in 2025 and 2026. If for some reason these letters have not reached you please feel free to give us a call at 740-454-0144.

Please remember that pre-registration is expected. There is a $35.00 fee for the recertification class. Register and pay online or by check with the enclosed registration form 3 days prior to the session you will be attending. This fee is in addition to the $30.00 license fee that is paid separately to the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

Give us a call with any questions.

Thursday, February 6

Zanesville Muskingum Conference and Welcome Center

205 N. Fifth St, Zanesville, OH 43701

10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

(box lunch provided)


Tuesday, February 18

Extension Office – Rural Services Building

225 Underwood St, Zanesville OH 43701

6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

(light meal provided)

Pesticide Applicator Exam Training Session for New Applicators January 21, 2025

A pesticide applicator exam training session will be offered on January 21, 2025, 6:00 PM, at the Rural Services Building, 225 Underwood St, Zanesville. In order to obtain a Private Pesticide Applicator License, individuals must pass the exam which is administered by the Ohio Department of Agriculture.  Those who wish to use Restricted Use Products must acquire an applicators license to purchase and apply product. This training is intended to provide an overview of the concepts presented in the exam as preparation.  To register for this training session please email or call 740-454-0144.

OSU Extension provides information on Private Pesticide Licensing here:

Following this training session, the Ohio Department of Agriculture will be present at the Rural Services Building to administer the exam on:

February 26, 2025, 10:00 AM

(Exam registration at the ODA Website)

Or, call ODA at 614-728-6270 for more exam information

Fall 2024 Regional Weeds University: Licking County Hosting Nov 21

OSU Extension invites crop producers, CCAs, and agribusinesses to attend a regional at the Fall 2024 Ohio State Weeds University on Thursday, November 21, 2024, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The program will take place at locations across the state. Locations include Darke, Highland, Sandusky, Licking, Paulding, and Mahoning counties. This program is designed to keep agronomic crop producers on the cutting edge of weed control for their operations. Topics addressed will include preharvest weeds survey results, drone applications of herbicides, burcucumber control, new herbicides, and new technology in weed science. Hands-on exercises such as weed ID with live plants will also be part of the program and tailored to local needs. This is an in-person event with a portion of the presentations being broadcast virtually at each regional location.

Featured presentations and speakers include:

  • Drone Applications – Dr. Steve Li, Associate Professor & Weed Science Extension Specialist, Auburn University. Dr. Li’s research evaluates weed control and herbicide usage in agronomic and emerging crops, as well as herbicide drift and off-target injury. His research program is also a nationwide leader in evaluating drones for agricultural applications.
  • Burcucumber Control – Dwight Lingenfelter, Weed Science Extension Associate, Penn State University. Mr. Lingenfelter works in Extension and applied weed science research at Penn State, including the herbicide evaluation program. He has conducted some of the most comprehensive research on the management of burcucumber, a species that is now a reemerging threat to crop production in Ohio.
  • Ohio Agronomic Weeds Update – Dr. Alyssa Essman, Assistant Professor & Weed Science Extension Specialist, The Ohio State University. Dr. Essman provides leadership for an applied research and extension program for integrated weed management in agronomic crops. This talk will cover new herbicide products and EPA/ESA regulations for the coming growing season.
  • New Technology in Weed Science – Dr. Eugene Law, Assistant Professor, Weed Ecology, The Ohio State University. Dr. Law’s research program is focused in the areas of weed science and ecology, and precision technology for novel integrated weed management. This talk will cover new and emerging technology options for weed management and their relative efficacy

The registration fee per person is $40 and is due by November 14, 2024. This fee includes course materials and speaker Q&A sessions. On-site walk-ins are not available for this event and each site is limited to a maximum of 30 people. Commercial, Private Pesticide, and Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) credits will be available. Online registration will begin on Monday, October 28 ( or for additional information on the event, contact the educator in the county in which you are attending:

Fall 2024 Regional Agronomic Weeds University: Licking County Host Site on November 21

OSU Extension invites crop producers, CCAs, and agribusinesses to attend a regional at the Fall 2024 Ohio State Weeds University on Thursday, November 21, 2024, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The program will take place at locations across the state. Locations include Darke, Highland, Sandusky, Licking, Paulding, and Mahoning counties. This program is designed to keep agronomic crop producers on the cutting edge of weed control for their operations. Topics addressed will include preharvest weeds survey results, drone applications of herbicides, burcucumber control, new herbicides, and new technology in weed science. Hands-on exercises such as weed ID with live plants will also be part of the program and tailored to local needs. This is an in-person event with a portion of the presentations being broadcast virtually at each regional location.

Featured presentations and speakers include:

  • Drone Applications – Dr. Steve Li, Associate Professor & Weed Science Extension Specialist, Auburn University. Dr. Li’s research evaluates weed control and herbicide usage in agronomic and emerging crops, as well as herbicide drift and off-target injury. His research program is also a nationwide leader in evaluating drones for agricultural applications.
  • Burcucumber Control – Dwight Lingenfelter, Weed Science Extension Associate, Penn State University. Mr. Lingenfelter works in Extension and applied weed science research at Penn State, including the herbicide evaluation program. He has conducted some of the most comprehensive research on the management of burcucumber, a species that is now a reemerging threat to crop production in Ohio.
  • Ohio Agronomic Weeds Update – Dr. Alyssa Essman, Assistant Professor & Weed Science Extension Specialist, The Ohio State University. Dr. Essman provides leadership for an applied research and extension program for integrated weed management in agronomic crops. This talk will cover new herbicide products and EPA/ESA regulations for the coming growing season.
  • New Technology in Weed Science – Dr. Eugene Law, Assistant Professor, Weed Ecology, The Ohio State University. Dr. Law’s research program is focused in the areas of weed science and ecology, and precision technology for novel integrated weed management. This talk will cover new and emerging technology options for weed management and their relative efficacy

The registration fee per person is $40 and is due by November 14, 2024. This fee includes course materials and speaker Q&A sessions. On-site walk-ins are not available for this event and each site is limited to a maximum of 30 people. Commercial, Private Pesticide, and Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) credits will be available. Online registration will begin on Monday, October 28 or for additional information on the event, contact the education in the county in which you are attending:

Corn, Soybean, Soil Health, Grain Storage Economics meeting in Licking County March 6

What crop has the smallest yield penalty for delayed planting? Can you adjust your management practices to mitigate losses due to late planting? How are diseases affected by planting date?

Have you been following the “Battle for the Belt” through this last crop season? We are bringing this discussion to Licking County on March 6th.  The morning sessions are a statewide program offered in 3 locations and we have added lunch and afternoon sessions that address concerns in our part of the state.

This will take place at OSU Newark / COTC.

Cost is $10 and includes a meal.

Call the office 740-670-5315 to register.

Speakers include:

Laura Lindsey  – OSU Professor Soybean and Small Grain Production

Osler Ortez – OSU Assistant Professor – Corn & Emerging Crops

Horacio Lopez-Nicora – OSU Assistant Professor Soybean Pathology and Nematology

Eric Richer – Assistant Professor Field Specialist, Farm Management, OSU Extension “Good Questions to Ask when Investing in On-Farm Storage”

Jim Ippolito – The Rattan Lal Endowed Professor of Soil Health and Soil Fertility, Ohio State  speaking on “Soil Health Perspectives from the New Guy”



Muskingum and Coshocton Agronomy Dinner January 22

OSU Extension Muskingum and Coshocton County will host an Agronomy Dinner on Monday, January 22, 2024.  Join us for a fine meal at Friendly Hills Camp and Conference Center for agronomic updates for the 2024 cropping year.  Guest Stephanie Karhoff, Agronomic Systems Fields Specialist, will discuss field crop agronomic challenges for the upcoming field season and Bruce Clevenger, Farm Management Specialist, will provide a budgeting and marketing outlook for 2024.  Pre-registration is required and can be made online at or by RSVP to the OSU Extension Muskingum County Extension Office, 225 Underwood St, Zanesville, OH.  Event cost is $20 per person.  Doors open at 5:30 PM with opening remarks at 5:50pm and dinner will be served at 6:00PM. The host facility for this event is Friendly Hills Camp and Conference Center, 5880 Friendly Hills Road, Zanesville, OH.  Contact Clifton Martin, OSU Extension Muskingum County, at 740-454-0144 or Chris Allen, OSU Extension Coshocton County, 740-622-2265. Certified Crop Advisor CEU’s will be available.



Monday, January 22, 2024
5:30 PM

Friendly Hills Camp and Conference Center
5880 Friendly Hills Road, Zanesville, OH

$20 per person

RSVP by January 17, 2024

Guest Speakers:
Stephanie Karhoff
Stephanie is an Agronomic Field Systems Specialist with Ohio State Extension and will speak on Field Crop Agronomy Challenges in 2024.

Bruce Clevenger
Bruce is Farm Management Specialist with OSU Extension and will speak about Field Crop Budgeting and Marketing Outlooks for 2024.

5:30 PM Registration
5:50 PM Welcome and Announcements
6:00 PM Dinner (buffet)
6:30 PM Guest Speakers
8:15 PM Wrap up & Adjourn

Chicken, pork, potatoes, green beans, salad

Contact information:
Clifton Martin, Extension Educator, Muskingum County

Chris Allen, Extension Educator, Coshocton County

Pesticide Applicator Exam Training January 18, 2024

A pesticide applicator exam training session will be offered on January 18, 2023, 6:00 PM, at the Rural Services Building. In order to obtain a Private Pesticide Applicator License, individuals must pass the exam which is administered by the Ohio Department of Agriculture.  Those who wish to use Restricted Use Products (ODA List) must acquire an applicators license to purchase and apply product. This training is intended to provide an overview of the concepts presented in the exam as preparation.  To register for this training session please email or call 740-454-0144.


Following this training session, the Ohio Department of Agriculture will be present at the Rural Services Building to administer the exam on:

January 25, 20234, 10:00 AM

(Exam registration at the ODA Website)

Or, call ODA at 614-728-6270 for more exam information

Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Information

If you are a licensed private pesticide applicator in the state of Ohio you may have recently received information from the Ohio Department of Agriculture for the renewal process. We will also be sending letters by mail to Muskingum County applicators with information to register for continuing education classes to those who need to still earn CEU hours. You may also find our class information on our website at: Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification | Muskingum (

Class programs will occur on February 8, 2024 at 10:00 am and February 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM.  There are two fees associated with recertification.  The ODA license renewal fee is $30 (paid to ODA) and the class registration fee is $35 (paid to OSU Extension Muskingum County).