2023 Small Farm Conference and Trade Show

Ohio State University Extension is hosting a Small Farm Conference in Mansfield Ohio on March 11, 2023.  The theme for this year’s Mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference is “Sowing Seeds for Success.”

Conference session topics are geared to beginning and small farm owners as well as to farms looking to diversify their operation.  There will be five different conference tracks including: Farm Office, Horticulture and Produce Production, Livestock, Agritourism/ Marketing, Natural Resources.

Some conference topic highlights include: How to purchase our family farm, food animal processing, bee keeping, sweet corn, blueberry and pumpkin production, small ruminant nutrition, agritourism laws, fruit tree pruning and cut flower diseases.

Anyone interested in developing, growing or diversifying their small farm is invited to attend including market gardeners, farmers market vendors, and anyone interested in small farm living.

Attendees will have the opportunity to browse a trade show featuring the newest and most innovative ideas and services for their farming operation. The conference provides an opportunity to talk with the vendors and network with others.

The Conference will take place from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Mansfield OSU Campus in Ovalwood Hall, just minutes from I-71 and US Rt 30.

For conference and registration call OSU Extension Morrow County 419-947-1070, or OSU Extension Knox County 740-397-0401.

Please follow this link for conference details and to register: https://go.osu.edu/2023osusmallfarmconf

2023 Small Farm Conference and Trade Show

Ohio State University Extension is hosting a Small Farm Conference in Mansfield Ohio on March 11, 2023.  The theme for this year’s Mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference is “Sowing Seeds for Success.”

Conference session topics are geared to beginning and small farm owners as well as to farms looking to diversify their operation.  There will be five different conference tracks including: Farm Office, Horticulture and Produce Production, Livestock, Agritourism/ Marketing, Natural Resources.

Some conference topic highlights include: How to purchase our family farm, food animal processing, bee keeping, sweet corn, blueberry and pumpkin production, small ruminant nutrition, agritourism laws, fruit tree pruning and cut flower diseases.

Anyone interested in developing, growing or diversifying their small farm is invited to attend including market gardeners, farmers market vendors, and anyone interested in small farm living.

Attendees will have the opportunity to browse a trade show featuring the newest and most innovative ideas and services for their farming operation. The conference provides an opportunity to talk with the vendors and network with others.

The Conference will take place from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Mansfield OSU Campus in Ovalwood Hall, just minutes from I-71 and US Rt 30.

For conference and registration call OSU Extension Morrow County 419-947-1070, or OSU Extension Knox County 740-397-0401.

Please follow this link for conference details and to register: https://go.osu.edu/2023osusmallfarmconf

Save-the-date: Fruit and Vegetable Producer Workshop January 26, 2023

OSU Extension Muskingum County will host a Fruit and Vegetable Producer Workshop January 26, 2023, at the Zanesville Muskingum Conference and Welcome Center. This workshop will focus on issues in weed control, pest management, small fruit production, and weather impacts on Ohio agriculture. This workshop features presentations from OSU Extension specialists Doug Doohan, Ashley Leach, Gary Gao, and Aaron Wilson. Updates and CEU’s will be provided for private pesticide applicators. This event will be held at the Zanesville Conference and Welcome Center, 205 N. Fifth St., Zanesville, Ohio. Doors open at 9:00 AM with Welcome and Introductions starting at 9:45 AM.

Registration at go.osu.edu/fruitvegworkshop

Crop Diversity to Improve Your Bottom Line (Starts January 14)

This series will look at practices and considerations to successfully incorporate alternative grain crops into your rotation to diversify your operation. Thursdays, January 14 – March 4, 9:00am-10:30am. Register: http://go.osu.edu/cropdiversity

  • January 14 – Specialty Small Grains, Winter Malting Barley (Greg McGlinch), White Wheat (Dennis Pennington), Wet Wrapped Oats (Al Gahler), Triticale (Jason Hartschuh)
  • February 4 – Seed Production, Corn and Soybean Seed Production (Fred Pond), Cover Crop Seed Production
  • March 4 – Non-GMO Crop Production, Best Practices for High Yielding Non-GMO Soybean Production (Laura Lindsey), Weed Control (Mark Loux), Insect Management: The Forgotten Corn Pests (Chris DiFonzo)

Link to Additional Programs From the Agronomic Crops Network