Fall Weed Control

The best time of year to manage biennial and perennial weeds is in the fall.  Hemp dogbane, ailanthus, poison hemlock are just the tip of the iceberg on the list of weeds effectively controlled now.  If you need a refresher, or need to dive in to start learning, here are some resources to get you started in the right direction:

Plants of Concern to Livestock in Summer | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter  

Biennial and Perennial Weed Control is Best in the Fall | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Get After the Weeds Yet This Fall | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Pasture and Forage Weed Control; Mow or Spray? | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Scout now for cressleaf groundsel in hayfields, or pay the price in May | Agronomic Crops Network

2020 Ohio Weed Control Guide (PDF)

2020 Ohio Weed Control Guide (Bound Book)


Poison Hemlock

Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum) is widespread in Ohio and readily colonizes disturbed landscapes such as roadside ditches, fence rows, and other man-made features.  There are many sources of information discussing management.





Poison Hemlock look a-like: Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)
