On the animal health watch list: Bird Flu (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza)

There are numerous reports of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) throughout the East Coast in wild bird populations which is a threat to poultry producers of all sizes.  See Ohio Department of Agriculture: Ohio Poultry Producers Encouraged to be Alert and Practice Enhanced Biosecurity

For a quick primer on the history and background see this newly published fact sheet from OSU: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

Also, see quick tips for the backyard poultry flock in this video:



Farm Office Live

Farm Office Live provides the latest outlook and updates on ag law, farm management, ag economics, farm business analysis and other issues dealt with in your farm office. Targeted to farmers and agri-business stakeholders, our specialists digest the latest news and information and present it in an easy-to-understand format.

More info at Farm Office Live | Farm Office (osu.edu)

Pesticide Applicator Safety Training

If you are a Pesticide Private Applicator License holder, check your records to see if you are due in 2022. We will be planning our winter meeting season soon which will be announced toward the end of the year. If you are seeking to acquire a license, we have resources to help get you started with the exam.  I will include an exam training class in our schedule for preparation.  Look for additional updates here or contact me if you anticipate taking the exam.

Licensing | Pesticide Safety Education Program (osu.edu)

It’s a great time to take a soil test…

Autumn is one of the better times to collect a soil sample and get it sent to the lab.  The Extension Office is just one of many resources to help get this done.  We have soil test kits ready at the office available for $9.

Resources to help out include:

Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens

Interpreting a Soil Test Report

Fertility Management of Meadows

Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens

Soil Acidity and Liming for Agronomic Production

Corn, Soybean, and Alfalfa Yield Responses to Micronutrient Fertilization in Ohio

Freeze Forecast

It’s that time of year…a frost can anytime.  I put the second week of October as a likely candidate for a first frost…

Probability of Earlier Date in Fall Than Indicated
Temperature Earliest 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Latest
36 09/21 09/23 09/30 10/02 10/03 10/06 10/10 10/13 10/16 10/19 10/24
32 09/23 10/02 10/08 10/11 10/13 10/17 10/18 10/21 10/24 10/27 10/31
28 10/03 10/11 10/17 10/19 10/25 10/29 10/30 11/02 11/02 11/09 11/12
24 10/20 10/23 11/03 11/05 11/08 11/10 11/12 11/14 11/18 11/23 12/04
20 11/04 11/05 11/11 11/14 11/17 11/21 11/25 11/29 12/10 12/14 12/24


This data is reported at the Zanesville Airport weather station.

Midwestern Regional Climate Center

cli-MATE: MRCC Application Tools Environment

Generated at: 9/27/2021 2:53:35 PM CDT

OSU Enterprise Budgets

Several agriculture business enterprise budgets from the OSU Farm Office have been updated recently.  They are all available at Enterprise Budgets | Farm Office (osu.edu).

The most recent budgets published by the Farm Office Team are listed below:



Fall Armyworm Updates

Hopefully a few nights of of sub 50 degree F temperatures are helping to knock the fall armyworm population back.  However, we are still watching to see what transpires.  Recently articles on the Fall Armyworm population are available here:

Re-Alert: Fall Armyworm, Part II? | BYGL
Managing Forage Stands Damaged by Fall Armyworm | Forages
An Overview on Development Times for Fall Armyworm | Kentucky Pest News
Predictions for Round 2 of Fall Armyworm | Agronomic Crops Network

Fall Armyworm Causing Problems in Ohio

Fall Armyworm reports are coming in throughout Ohio.  This can be an issue in green crops and turf during the fall season and is widespread in Ohio at this time.  Hayfields, pastures, and lawns are particularly at risk.

More info at:

Agronomic Crops Network CORN Newsletter

Buckeye Yard and Garden Online

Kentucky Pest News