October Monthly Reflection

Two months into my first semester of college! Somehow the time has simultaneously crawled and flown by. Everytime someone reminds me that it is almost the end of October, I get a rude reality check. Now that I’m a month wiser and older, here is what I’ve learned. 


Chemistry is fake. No, seriously, it really is. Chemistry is some old guy’s best guess and everyone is going along with it until we find a better explanation for why things are the way they are. At this point, I’m not even sure I’m learning. I am just absorbing information and saying, “well I’m going to have to believe you because I don’t know enough to say otherwise”. I have also learned, through ENR Scholars (shout out!), that ice needs to be at least four inches thick before you should even attempt to walk on it. My Spanish professor is still as incredibly sweet as always. 


About myself, I have learned that I am capable. I have learned that I am enough. College is supposed to be hard, and I am not the only one who is struggling. Since the past month, I have learned how to more effectively study, which was demonstrated by the way I studied a few days in advance for the second chemistry midterm instead of the night before. 


I’ve struggled with accepting the fact that I don’t know everything that will be on a test, I probably will never know, and that’s ok. The biggest switch from high school to college is that the professors in college don’t make their own tests. So they teach what they teach, and it is up to the student to fill in the blanks. That is certainly a challenge. Also, I have a personal struggle with the Chemistry department. Why can’t we skip between questions on the midterms? I won’t air my grievances here, moving on…


Since last month, I have achieved a better sense of organization. I’m no longer scrambling and racking my mind to remember an assignment that I forgot. I feel much more confident about my ability to keep myself organized and on track. I’m still happy, and still thriving.

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