Current Event

Recently, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) managed to capture a photo of the black hole Messer 87 (M87). This is incredible because despite weighing in at 6.5 billion times that of the sun it is roughly 53.5 million light-years away. This means the Event Horizon Telescope’s view of the black hole, despite being about the same size as our Solar System, is only 40 micro arc seconds across when viewed from earth. To put that into perspective it is”equivalent to reading a text on a phone in New York from a sidewalk café in Paris”( To accomplish such a feat, 200 scientists from all across the world came together and using eleven radio telescopes based in Hawaii, Antarctica, Europe, North America, and South America managed to capture several petabytes of data using those telescope arrays to create a telescope effectively the size of the earth. From this data, four separate teams independently generated their own images using their own techniques then compared their images to verify that there was no bias in the results. The four images all matched so the teams then took 3 more images of the black hole and averaged them to generate the incredible photo that we have today. The reason this is such a historic event is that this photo agrees with Einstein’s theory of relativity from 103 years ago and finally proves that black holes do in fact exist. More radio telescopes are planning to join the Event Horizon Telescope so that the image of M87 can be made clearer and to attempt to take a photo of Sagittarius A the black hole in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy which despite being 1,000 times smaller than M87 is roughly 1,000 times closer. The only thing making it hard to photograph is the dense collection of stars that lie near the center of the galaxy that obscures it from us.

I believe this achievement is incredible because it is something that was thought to be impossible until recently. It also is great because it lines up so closely with what experts expected and it was even extremely close in size and mass to what was predicted due to the orbits of stars near the black holes. I believe one of the researchers, Dimitrios Psaltus, really summed up the effect that this picture has on what we have learned from this picture with this quote: “I’m sure many other times in human history, people saw something for the first time … and what you see, you cannot unsee. This is it for the rest of humanity, for the rest of human history.”



Admittedly I was not a very social person when I first arrived on campus this year as an incoming freshman just turning 18 years old. Typical high school social activities never interested me so I was in for a change of pace when I arrived at OSU. My first weeks were filled with anxiety mixed with excitement as I learned to navigate the vast campus life as the newest Buckeye. I met some of my first friends in the dorm and at the welcome events. I learned the schedule and pace of life in college, though it is still a transition, I feel very at home on campus now.

            One of the best experiences I have had this year has been joining club swimming at Ohio State. I have met some of my best friends at OSU through club swim. From the first practices, through the yearlong season, I have gained a great group of teammates and lasting friendships. I have spent many hours at practices, social events, fundraisers, and meets that I have enjoyed immensely. Swimming is a sport I enjoy and club swim has given me an avenue to continue to swim competitively while continuing to enjoy the camaraderie of my teammates.

            Club swimming has allowed me to travel to other universities to compete while exploring what other universities have to offer as well. A trip to the University of Buffalo allowed me to experience Niagara Falls and we also visited, UVA, Indy, and Cinci to swim. The highlight of the year was hosting the National college club swim championship meet where our men’s team got first place! What an amazing experience to have as a freshman. Even more exciting for me was when I was named most improved swimmer having obtained many PR times this year. My decision to attend The Ohio State University and to join the club swim team has been an unforgettable experience with so many awesome memories.

Year In Review

It’s hard to imagine that my first year at Ohio State is almost over. I feel that I have grown immensely this year in so many ways. The overwhelming feeling I had when I attended the activities fair that first weekend is long gone, replaced by a sense of belonging with so many friendships built. Ohio State is a very large place that you can make your own by taking advantage of all of the experiences one can find here.

Joining scholars forced me to branch out and explore areas and campus events that I know I would not have had I not been a part of this group. I enjoyed the diversity of the events that have been offered and the scholar’s program also pushed me to keep up with the hectic schedule of a first-year engineering student. In addition, volunteering through STEM Outreach and at the Buckeyethon were two highlights this year that I plan to continue every year.

One of the biggest obstacles I had to face was organizing my time in order to get all of the homework and studying required in my classes done while also attending scholars events as well as club swimming practices and meets. My favorite part of the year has been the awesome friendships I have made. Joining the club swim team has been a highlight of my first year at Ohio State. It has allowed me to enjoy my favorite sport and continue to compete at a high level while traveling to other universities to compete as well.

Looking back on this year gives me a sense of accomplishment as well as feelings of excitement as I look forward to returning next fall. I plan to spend the summer working in an engineering internship and will return to OSU in the fall ready to pick up where I left off, eager to build on the strong foundation I have started here.