Student Organizations

Last Thursday I attended the Biomedical Engineering Society meeting. This club sparked my interest at the student involvement fair because I thought it would be very beneficial to me as a pre-biomedical engineering major. I feel certain that I want to pursue biomedical engineering, however, I thought this club would help me solidify my plan by providing advice and insight on the major and career. I went alone to this meeting and was nervous at first, however, we were put into “families” and I instantly met three people who all had similar interests as me. With our families, we participated in three competitions including engineering a marshmallow tower and using teamwork to keep balloons from hitting the ground. It was a very fun experience and I got to learn more about the club and the fun plans that are set for this semester. Since this club is only once every two weeks, I am not concerned with the club becoming a conflict. I plan to get my homework done during my breaks throughout the day so that I will be able to attend meetings in the future. The leaders of this club initially were introduced to me during my survey class a week before this meeting. Their exciting attitudes towards the club and the events that they described made me immediately want to join the club. At the meeting, the leaders carried the same energy as in my survey class and made the environment fun and comfortable right off the bat. Their use of making small families for the semester bonded the group right away and I now feel excited to go to the next meeting due to the way they planned and carried out the meeting. Due to the fun attitudes of the leaders, I could see myself enjoying a position as a leader in the upcoming years. I would like the opportunity to help show students about biomedical engineering in order to help them with their plans, just as I hope this organization will do for me. I am attending a Society of Women in Engineering this upcoming Thursday, as well as play in my first intramural soccer game right afterward. Two weeks ago, my team participated in a practice game. I had a great time meeting my teammates and a hard time getting used to playing soccer with very fast boys. This game made me excited for the season because I miss participating in sports as I have my whole life and now I no longer have to miss it. I don’t feel the need to create a new club because there are more than enough student organizations that I find interesting; I wish I had more time so that I could attend more student organizations. I admittedly felt overwhelmed at the student involvement fair due to the hundreds of tables that covered the oval with different clubs. After walking around, I realized that I am grateful to go to such a big school due to the endless opportunities that it provides me I believe that anyone at could find a student organization that is interesting to them, and this is a unique attribute that only large universities can provide.