Part 1 (Due Tuesday February 21 at noon)
Read Sections 1 and 2 of following article:
Devaney, J. (2014). “Estimating onset and offset asynchronies in polyphonic audio-to-score alignment.” Journal of New Music Research 43(3): 266–275.
Briefly answer the following questions:
1) What is MIDI-audio alignment?
2) What techniques are typically used for MIDI-audio alignment?
3) What is the difference between online and offline alignment?
Part 2 (Due Thursday February 23 at noon)
Using the onset detector in the Queen Mary Vamp plugin set, analyze kingsLoop.wav and mozartSeg.wav. Experiment with the different options available in the plug-in dialog box (including the Advance settings) to see which configuration produces the best results for each audio file. Make note of the settings and export both the (non-smoothed) onset detection function and the predicted onsets as text files.
In MATLAB, write a function that will read the exported text files and make the following plots. The function should be generalized so that you just pass it the filename, i.e., the names of the files should not be hard coded in the function. The onset detection and onset estimates may look slightly different due to a different settings.
You should submit the list of the settings you used in Sonic Visualiser for each audio file, the exported text files, and your plotting function.