Topics covered today:
- Sound intensity
- Sound pressure
- Loudness
- Loudness Weighting Curves
- phons vers dB SPL
- Loudness Scales
- Loudness Models
- Steady sounds
- Zwicker (1991)
- Moore (1997)
- Time-varying sounds
- Zwicker and Fastl (1999)
- Glasberg and Moore (2002)
- Impulsive sounds
- Boullet (2006)
Software: Genesis Loudness Toolbox
Reading material
- Sections I–IIA (Loudness) of Oxenham, Andrew J. 2012. The Perception of Musical Tones. The Psychology of Music. New York: Academic Press. 1–9. You can access this paper via the ebook in the OSU library system.
- Section 3 (Loudness Models) of the ‘History and description of loudness models’ document in the Genesis Loudness Toolbox (Loudness_indicators_description-LoudnessToolbox.pdf)