Graduate Entry Option

Outcomes for Completion of Pre-licensure Coursework

We support our students in pursuing their personal and professional success through a simple philosophy of LIVEWELL.  At the completion of pre-licensure coursework, the graduate entry student’s will:

  1. LEAD: Embody the values and leadership abilities of a professional nurse across the lifespan in a variety of settings.
  2. INNOVATE: Serve as an innovative nurse who makes meaningful and unique contributions toward wellness promotion, disease prevention and management, and population health improvements.
  3. VISION: Practice with vision and leverage one’s own career to transform healthcare to ultimately improve quality and safety.
  4. EXECUTE: Execute clinical reasoning and evidence-based decision making to practice with the full extent of licensure.
  5. WELLNESS-FOCUSED: Apply a holistic approach to optimal health and wellbeing for self, individuals, and populations.
  6. EVIDENCE-BASED: Implement best practices consistentlywhile fostering an evidence-based practice culture.
  7. LIFE LONG LEARNING: Embrace life-long learning to transform health and improve lives.
  8. LIGHTS FOR THE WORLD: Exemplifying the spirit of caring and service.


This section includes information on the Graduate Entry Option. Use the side bar or click on the links below to read more information about: