Students must complete the total number of clinical/lab/simulation hours, as outlined in the course syllabus, to successfully complete the course. Make-up experiences are contingent on the percentage time of absence from clinical/lab/simulation and the availability of resources. Review the Clinical/Lab/Simulation Attendance policy in the handbook.
Students who wish to request being excused from a required clinical or lab experience must:
- Notify the clinical/lab/simulation instructor and the clinical unit (for preceptor-based courses) prior to the scheduled clinical/lab/simulation time.
- Assume responsibility for negotiating a plan with the course faculty for making up the absence. Accommodations are not necessarily able to be guaranteed within the time-period of the course and are contingent on resource availability, as follows:
- Missing 16% of clinical/lab/simulation or less: Make-up accommodations for absences only may be offered for up to 16% of the total clinical hours/semester. These opportunities will be scheduled outside of a student’s regularly-scheduled clinical/lab/simulation time, and will be based on availability of faculty, availability for clinical/lab/simulation space, and timing left in the semester. An explanatory statement for absence from class/clinical form may be requested by faculty.
- Missing more than 16% of clinical/lab/simulation hours: Missing more than 16% of the clinical/lab/simulation experiences due to absence may result in a grade of “Incomplete” for the course, or in a need for the student to withdraw from the course. A grade of Incomplete can be given by the instructor if the student is otherwise in satisfactory academic progression in the course; i.e., is passing both the didactic and clinical/lab/simulation portions of the course at the time of the absence, and there is high confidence that the student can satisfactory complete the remaining coursework at a later time point. The hours and timing of the work required to complete the remaining coursework will be determined by the course faculty in consultation with the student. In instances in which it may be infeasible for the student to make up missing clinical/lab/simulation hours, such as may occur with extensive amounts of missed clinical/lab/simulation time, the student may be advised by the course faculty to withdraw from the course.
If you arrive late or unprepared for a clinical/lab/simulation session, you will be considered tardy and based on patient safety and/or the amount of time missed, you may be prohibited from participating in the learning activities for the day. This missed time will count as a clinical/lab/simulation absence and will be made up according to the Attendance Policy.
Dress code
The dress code policy for students is the policy established by The Ohio State University Hospitals for its employees. All students must adhere to the dress code policy when a uniform is needed for clinical study. Personal appearance must demonstrate neatness, cleanliness, and good hygiene. Extremes in appearance or accessory attire potentially interfering with patient care or perception are not acceptable. Anyone in violation of this policy will be required to leave the clinical unit.
- Student identification badge must be worn at all times.
- Identification badges are to be clearly visible, above the waist.
- Student photographs on identification badges must be worn face out, with no defacement (pins, stickers).
- When caring for inmates in any patient care area, employees may tape over (cover) their last name.
- Lanyards to hold your identification badge may be worn meeting the following criteria:
- Must be breakaway, for your protection.
- No more than five professional pins may be worn at one time.
- The Lanyard must not interfere with patient care.
- The lanyard should be cleaned when visibly soiled.
- If lanyards are worn they should be secured by means to prevent them from coming into direct contact with the patient or near the patient environment.
- Identification badge holders may be worn meeting the following criteria:
- Must be solid in color or with hospital logo.
- Hair must be clean, neatly groomed and controlled.
- Long hair must be secured away from the face.
- Hair decorations must be kept plain and simple.
- Extreme styles and colors are not permitted.
- Facial hair must be kept neat and well-trimmed.
- Fashion headscarves or skullcaps are not permitted.
- Hairbands are permitted if they are white, or match scrubs or hair color.
- Nails must be neat, clean, and support the functional use of hands and fingers.
- Artificial fingernails are prohibited for all staff who touch or transport patients.
- Nail polish/gel/dip and decorative designs are prohibited.
- Length of natural nails will be kept at less than ¼ inch long.
- Jewelry must be plain and inconspicuous. Jewelry must not interfere with patient care or present a hazard to the student.
- Up to two pairs of small post earrings that do not dangle from the earlobes are permitted.
- No necklaces are permitted.
- Bracelets or armbands are not permitted unless they are a Medical Alert bracelet.
- Only one ring or ring set is allowed.
- A form fitting wrist watch/fitness band is permitted.
- Facial piercing jewelry (i.e. eyebrow, nose, tongue, lip, etc.) is prohibited.
- Exception: If a nose ring is worn for religious purposes, the student must supply the instructor with proper documentation to support this.
- Fragrances must be minimally evident. With some patient care populations, fragrances (purfume/cologne/after shave/strong scents) may not be worn. Please do wear deodorant or antiperspirant.
- All tattoos must be covered.
- Footwear should be clean, appropriate for clothing, protective and fit securely.
- Shoes should be non-permeable entirely white or black.
- Shoes must have a closed toe and closed heel.
- Canvas shoes or “crocs” with holes are not permitted in patient care areas.
- Shoes and shoelaces must be kept clean. Shoelaces must be white or match shoes.
- Students must wear hose or socks at all times
- Uniform accessories:
- Buttons, hats, pins (or other types of insignia) are prohibited.
- Organizational belt/adjustable belt pack (“fanny packs”) must be a solid color, reasonable size, washable, and free of logos.
- Cloth stethoscope covers or decorative items attached to stethoscope are not permitted.
- Cell phones may only be used to access clinically related applications out of sight of patients &/or family. Personal cell phone use for calls, texting, or accessing social media/non-clinically related data, apps or websites is not be used during clinical.
- Pens worn around the neck are prohibited.
- Uniform/Clothing Standards:
- Undergarments must be worn and inconspicuous under uniform or clothing.
- Clothing must be clean and neatly pressed.
- Faded/yellowish, discolored or ripped clothing is not acceptable.
- All clothing should fit loosely (not skin tight), be non-see through, with no visible cleavage or low rise pants that show the top of the buttocks. No spandex/ tight fitting leggings allowed.
- Tops:
- True Red scrub top is to be worn in the clinical area.
- A solid colored mock turtleneck, turtleneck or tee shirt (long or short sleeves) may be worn under the scrub top. No tee-shirt writing may be visible under scrub top.
- The crest of the College of Nursing is a part of the uniform. It is worn on the upper left-hand quadrant of the uniform. The crest must be sewn on or held in place with Velcro. Using safety pins is not appropriate. Crests are not required on lab jackets.
- It is strongly suggested that you stand in front of a mirror and raise your hands over your head. If your abdomen is exposed by this movement, your attire is inappropriate – the pants are hanging too low and/or the top is too short.
- Pants:
- True Red scrub ankle length pants must be worn in the clinical area.
- Scrub pant bottoms are not permitted to drag on floor.
- Flared hems are permitted; however, the pants must be hemmed.
- Scrub Jackets/Lab Coats:
- White scrub jackets/coats may be worn.
- Scrub jackets must be removed when it can potentially interfere with patient care, for example, sterile dressing changes.
- No sweatshirts or hooded sweatshirts (hoodies) may be worn.
- Skirts
- If a student wishes to wear long skirts to clinical it has been recommended that they order True Red XX large pants from the vendor and alter the material into a skirt.
- Length must be at the knee or longer.
- Must wear pantyhose with skirts.
- Scarfs:
- A white, black or red head scarf may be worn as part of the nursing uniform for religious purposes.
Special note: If you are working with a preceptor outside of a clinical area, ask about the expected dress code for the site. For example, if you are a male and the male preceptor wears a tie, you should plan to wear one as well. It is important to present yourself and the College of Nursing in the best possible professional manner.
Students who have clinical experience on units where patients are being treated with radiation therapy may obtain a radiation badge. The radiation badge requisition form should be obtained from the nurse manager on the assigned unit. Students should return the completed form to the nurse manager who will forward it to the Radiation Safety Department. It takes approximately one week to receive the badge from the Department of Radiology.
Student Success Plan (SSP)
A student may be considered for a Student Success Plan (SSP) if the clinical/lab objectives identified on a clinical evaluation tool related to accountability, professionalism, and/or use of the nursing process are not being met. The objective(s) not being met will be identified on the SSP to delineate specific areas that a student must improve to succeed in the program and grow as a developing professional in the practice of nursing. Failure to meet the clinical/lab objectives listed on the clinical evaluation tool will demonstrate a lack of progression in clinical/lab. A student who is not meeting clinical/lab objectives as identified on the clinical evaluation tool for the course will not pass the course as identified in the syllabus for that course.
Program-Wide Student Success Plan (PW-SSP)
If a student successfully meets the objectives of a previous performance improvement plan, but demonstrates reoccurring patterns of not meeting objectives in a second nursing course, a Program-Wide Student Success Plan (PW-SSP) will be initiated. This plan will be transferred to each nursing course for the remainder of the prelicensure program. Failure to meet the clinical/lab objectives as identified on the PW-SSP or any objectives listed on the clinical evaluation tool, will result in a lack of progression. A student who is not meeting clinical/lab objectives as identified on the clinical evaluation tool for the course will not pass the course as identified in the syllabus for that course.
A student who has not successfully completed clinical/lab course objectives cannot repeat the course or progress to the next clinical/lab course until required remediation has been successfully completed. Based upon student learning needs, the Director for Prelicensure Programs and Supervisor for Student Success will recommend a remediation plan to the Undergraduate or Graduate Studies Committee and communicate the objectives to complete the required remediation to the student. The student will be required to successfully meet the objectives of the remediation to progress in the program.
Athletes’ and Military or other Authorized University Group Clinical Attendance/Absence Policy
The Ohio State University College of Nursing recognizes that requirements set forth by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), or obligations related to service in the military or other groups may result in scheduled clinical absences. In order to abide by Ohio Board of Nursing Regulatory stadards, students in good academic standing will be permitted to make-up all scheduled clinical absences due to events based on the excused absence policies. If opportunities to make-up clinical absences during the semester are available, students will be scheduled for these clinical make-up days during the semester. Failure to attend the makeup session on the assigned dates will result in application of the Attendance Policy. Grades will not be administered until the make-up clinical dates are successfully completed. Students are required to provide a letter from their coach outlining the dates and times of required athletic absences at the beginning of the semester. Any absences that occur without prior approval may result in failure of a course.