I have advised many talented students, and below I highlight their work. I have several project ideas suitable for undergraduate and graduate students, and I’m happy to collaborate on microlensing projects with students at other institutions in coordination with their advisor – please contact me if you are interested. I am also happy to come and give tutorials on microlensing to any group that is interested in starting to work on the topic.
Current Students
Samson Johnson is a graduate student at Ohio State, working with Scott Gaudi and myself on simulations of the WFIRST microlensing survey.
Somayeh Khakpash is a graduate student at Lehigh University, advised by Josh Pepper, who is working on heuristic models of planetary microlensing for rapid, automated event analysis.
Past Students
Macy Huston (OSU SURP undergraduate 2017, senior thesis, graduated 2018), now a graduate student at Penn State, built a population synthesis Galactic model code and used it to predict the results of the UKIRT microlensing survey.
Weicheng Zang (Zhejiang University undergraduate, graduated 2017), now a graduate student at Tsinghua University, processed data for the CFHT-K2 MultiColor Microlensing Survey, and produced a public data release.
Jacob Luhn (OSU SURP undergraduate 2014, senior thesis, graduated 2016), now a graduate student at Penn State, studied the theory of microlensing by circumbinary planets.
Alec Alvarez (OSU SURP undergraduate 2013) worked on optimal filter combinations for the WFIRST microlensing survey.
Rieul Gendron (University of Manchester, masters thesis, graduated 2011), now a pilot for Air Seychelles, worked on microlensing by multiplanet systems.