For our capstone project, we plan on creating four videos about STEM topics. The topics we have chose are hyperbolic trigonometry, related rates, general problem solving for physics, and projectile motion. We plan on recording our projectile motion video first because we have some ideas that we want to try for that one and test the video’s effectiveness before we record the rest of the videos.
We found a place on campus that is made to record educational videos and we plan on using this resource. After recording our first video, we will edit it and then review it and decide what changes we would like to make. We plan on doing one video at a time to start so we know how effective our communication is in general. We will then make changes and know what to focus on before recording the other three videos. We hope to have everything recorded by Thanksgiving break so we can edit on break and have all of the videos recorded and edited before finals this semester.
When we get back for Spring semester, we will test the effectiveness and go from there on if we need to record again or edit the videos more. Then we will focus on our Capstone Research Paper and how we want to present our project at the Research Symposium!