I have learned a lot throughout my first semester at The Ohio State University. Not only have I learned content in my classes, but I have learned a lot about myself. Ohio State has given me the opportunity to be in the classroom and work with children early on in my program. I joined two clubs that helped me achieve this, Adopt-A-School and STEM Outreach. Through Adopt-A-School I was able to be in a classroom for one hour every week. I went to Graham Elementary and Middle School and spent my time in a fifth grade science classroom. This opportunity helped me figure out that I really did want to become a teacher, but that I would like to work with older students. I learned a lot about how students react to certain situations. I also learned how to help students deal with problems that they faced during group work. Throughout the semester, I got a lot better at tutoring the students and making connections with them. STEM Outreach allows students at Ohio State to work with students of all age groups and is not always done in a classroom setting. I also packed the kits for STEM Outreach to take to use during their programs. This helped me learn about different science and engineering projects I could possibly use with my future students. It also helped me learn about project based learning. I enjoyed watching the students get excited about the project and what they were learning about. Overall, this semester has helped me figure out that I did choose the right major. I will get to teach a subject that I love to students grades 7-12 and I am very excited to spend more time in a classroom setting next semester.