About Me

I’m an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Ohio State University.

My DBLP —— My Google Scholar

Research Interests:

My research falls within the broad area of systems, and most of it within the sub-areas of Compilers & Programming Languages, intersecting with Quantum and High Performance Computing (HPC). The end goal of my work is to deliver high-performance and reliable systems on modern and emerging heterogeneous and complex architectures, all while also simplifying the programmers effort.  In my research, I like to find synergies among programming tools and environments, the underlying architecture as well as domain and algorithmic knowledge.

– Communication minimization of distributed-memory computations
– Compiler energy-oriented transformations and optimizations for GPUs and hardware accelerators
– Polyhedral compilation
– High-performance computing
– Domain-specific computing
– Automatic parallelization for data-flow and task-parallel run-times
– Quantum computing


I’m currently externally funded by a PPoSS Large collaborative grant (Award Number 2234376) (Thank you NSF!), and I’m looking for students. If you are interested in my research and would like to work with me, please see below, come talk to me, or email me.

Working with me:

Important: If you are already applying to Ohio State, please include my name in your Statement of Purpose, list me as a potential faculty advisor, and choose “Programming Languages and Software Engineering” and “Systems / HPC” among your research areas of interests.

Generally, I am always looking for smart, motivated, independent and hard-working students to join my research group. If you are interested in working on challenging problems in Quantum Computing (QC), HPC / parallel programming / programming languages / compilers (specifically, on distributed-memory code generation and mapping for tensor computations), send me an email with the following, or stop by my office at DL 699. If sending me an email please include:

– Name
– Background: undergrad major, favorite courses, experience in HPC, QC, programming languages, compilers, computer architecture.
– Past experience: research, academic, industry.
– More importantly, please describe **why** do you want to work with me? Reading some of my papers or briefly describing an area you are interested in will help.
– If you are already in the process of applying to our PhD program in CSE, please mention my name in your SOP and list me among the faculty you would like to work with.

Contact Information:
– Current Position: Assistant Professor
– Affiliation: THE Ohio State University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
– Office: DL 699
– Phone: TBD