Volunteering Log

Below are the volunteering experiences I have been able to have while at Ohio State. Some may also be features under artifacts with a more in-depth review of the experience.

Wesley Glen Retirement Community – 11 hours

Star House – 2 hours

Steps for Sarcoma- 3.5 hours

Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio (with Project Sunshine)- 26 hours

James Cancer Hospital (Registration/Patient Access)- 33 hours

Ohio House Rabbit Rescue- 1 hour

These volunteering opportunities have given me a chance to meet many people and further develop communication skills. I will be able to use what is learned throughout volunteering to become a stronger individual with a more well-rounded scope of knowledge and experiences.

Wesley Glen Game Night

I had the opportunity to travel to the Wesley Glen Retirement Community so that we could help run their bingo night. When we got in the elevator at the retirement community, there was a sing hanging that read “Bingo Night with OSU Biological Sciences Scholars.” It made me excited to meet the residents because they seemed excited to meet us! Before bingo began, the residents talked with other scholars and me about our hometowns and what our majors were. Along with the residents learning about us, I was able to learn about them, also. There was a man that told us about his time in WWII and how his life lead him to Columbus. Of course, this lead into our intense games of bingo! This experience was nice because I was able to meet individuals that had such enriching life experiences and now were excited to hear about the journey that myself, along with my fellow scholars, were just embarking on.

Zoo Trip

I had the opportunity to travel with fellow scholars, biological sciences and health sciences, to the zoo. I chose to take the animal health center tour. It was such an enriching experience to see the work that is put into keeping all of the thousands of animals at the zoo healthy. The building was renovated recently to give the veterinarians and the zoo staff a better space to help the animals. One of the most important things that we learned about was probably the relationship that the vets and the individual people that are around the animals each day. It is important for the animals to have a person with them that knows them well so that the vets are able to to properly take care of them. Along with a tour of the facility, we were able to learn about the service projects that each of the vets at this animal health center are focused on. My personal favorite was the sea turtle project. After the tour I was able to tour make my way around the zoo with fellow scholars, and my personal favorite part of the day was feeding a giraffe.