Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

The most useful thing I learned in this module was seeing and viewing all the links to online tools to aid with studying/learning. All of these tools such as Quizlet, Chegg, and Khan Academy serve to assist students with learning, studying, and extra help such as tutoring. Knowing the specifics of these tools can also help get right to the point of what you as a student want to accomplish outside of the classroom.

An example of something I already incorporate in my study habits that was discussed in this module, was the use of highlighting material within the textbook/power point slides that would be of future importance of the class. When going through my notes, I highlight important words or phrases of the notes to basically summarize the subject learned that day. Highlighting/underlining notes helps the brain remember as the words highlighted are standing out.

An idea from this module I am definitely going to start incorporating in my life is working out after or between study sessions. The module explains that exercising delivers vital nutrients to the brain which increases performance and allows for smoother information processing of the brain. It has been scientifically proven that working out after studying helps retain information better.

Advice that I’d give students based on what I’ve read in this module is to study hard for a short amount of time and be sure to take breaks studying at least once per hour. Studying for a long amount of time without breaks makes it harder for your brain to retain information.

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