Year in Review

Before I came to Ohio State, I was a very different person. I had some people I knew I could count on here, but I didn’t really have a community of people. I  wanted to find people I could relate to and be real with. I fount that when I joined the Biological Sciences Scholars. Although I am a computer science and engineering major, I am still able to get help with homework and talk about classes. I have been able to make friend with people I never would have met if I were not part of BioSci.

As well as making friends, I have also been able to discover many resources from being in BioSci. One of which is exposure to professionals in many fields, like biology and chemistry. That exposure allows for many connections and networks for the future. I have also been able to take advantage of the resources like career services. I know it is available to students, I may have never been exposed to it if I didn’t need to get y resume checked. Community service is also another opportunity I have had available to me from participating in BioSci.

I have been very appreciative of all of the opportunities I have had by being in BioSci and I look forward to my future in the program.



Global Awareness: Participating in groups like NSBE and BSA helps me to get a wider perspective of the world as a whole. Focused on problems in the black community as a whole, on campus and across the nation, I am able to get a greater perspective of my situation and how I can help change others mindsets.
Original Inquiry: I seek t involve myself in new experiences on campus, such as the walk to education and others, however I don’t have much time for them because school work takes up most of my time.
Academic Enrichment: I am challenging myself by pursuing an engineering degree as well as taking difficult and enriching courses.
Leadership Development: I need to push myself farther to involve myself to show what leadership am capable of.
Service Engagement: I am commited to providing more educational resources to those children who may not have access to such things and opportunities.



Image result for mock trial osu

This is the logo for the Ohio State Mock Trial team. In high school, I participated in mock trial, and I believe it gave me skills and experiences that I would never forget. Coming into college, I believed that I would never use those skills again, because I anted to focus on only school work. However, when I got here, I realized how much I truly wanted to be part of a team like I was before and be able to compete again. Mock Trial is significant to me because it helped shape who I m as a person today and gave me skills like effective debate and leadership, that I would nt have gotten anywhere else. By being able to continue here, I was able to form a new community for myself.

About Me

I’m Avery Moody I love math and problem solving. Has a cumulative 4.21 GPA while taking Honors, Advanced, and AP classes. Loves being creative through art, cooking, dance, and extracurriculars. I have strong interpersonal skills and am effective at leading others in groups to accomplish common goals.