This artifact is my 2021 scheduling planner. Throughout my life, I always valued being able to manage my time effectively through planning ahead and visually seeing my tasks for the week. In college, I noticed myself losing this sentiment by just going with the flow, and not intentionally seeking a structured schedule. After realizing what my weaknesses were when it came to procrastination, I invested in a planner that outlined my daily tasks and helped me stay on track when it came to assignments, meetings, and events. This has enabled me to reclaim my time and become proactive with every move I make, allowing for my road to success to be easier to grasp.

Global Awareness

By surrounding myself in organization that contain diverse populations, I have been able to get a wide array of perspectives. These organizations include Mount, the Ethiopian and Eritrean Student Association, First-Gen Premedical Student Association, and being a Residential Advisor. In the past 2 years, I’ve been able to discuss and question important global topics like race, religion, and political affiliations with these groups.

Original Inquiry

I began research this school year at OSU and Nationwide. As a pre-med student, having research experience is vital when preparing for medical school, especially when in a clinical setting. For my research at OSU, I work under the Department of Urology to study implicit biases in healthcare and how to combat it in the future. This includes going into free clinics and surveying healthcare professionals and patients to get a better sense of their perception of healthcare in Central Ohio.

For my research at Nationwide Children’s, I aid in the recruitment and consenting of patients that are eligible to be recorded for studies in infancy movement and whether further disabilities may appear in the future. I also record clips to put into a software algorithm that analyzes these videos.

Academic Enrichment

As a pre-medical student, stem classes have been part of my main course load throughout school semesters. These include general chemistry, biology, biochemistry, and organic chemistry. To balance the hard work of these courses, I made sure to take classes that served my other interests alongside my stem classes, like women’s and gender studies, ancient African history, and social psychology.

Leadership Development

Ethiopian and Eritrean Student Association- President

First-Generation Premedical Student’s Association- Treasurer

Residential Advisor- Managed an entire residential floor

Service Engagement

My main mode of service this year was being a Red Cross Blood Donor Volunteer. At this service site, I helped people through the blood donor process, which included providing information about what to expect when one donates, and what affects it may have on their body. At this site, I met various people from all walks of life that showed me how diverse Columbus was, and how much I can learn from people who have different paths from me.