Summer Workshop 2016

MoBILiSE Flier FINAL_4-16-2016


**June 1st**

Workshop Description: Teachers will attend a 90-hour summer workshop, hosted by Whitehall-Yearling High School, where they will beĀ  learning biology modeling from a student perspective as they are led through ONLS-S-aligned basic biology models (e.g. Life, Population Interactions, Evolution and Growth and Reproduction) and engage in the inquiry based modeling activities and integrated engineering projects.

Teachers will also be exposed to research articles on biology, biology education and engineering education and reflect on how these new ideas can be used in their classrooms in group discussions.

Additionally, teachers will participate in a half-day OSU MoBILiSE Summer Workshop symposium with faculty from the OSU Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology (EEOB) on the OSU Columbus campus on June 24th. EEOB faculty will give short talks on cutting-edge research ongoing in their labs and respective disciplines, followed by a Q+A session for teachers to dialogue with the faculty.

Finally, teachers will be exposed to cutting edge research through interactions with Ohio State University researchers and visits to research labs and sites. All lectures given by researchers will be video recorded and available on the project website.

-Complete the online Teacher Participant Application

-Have your principal complete the Principal/Administrator Commitment Form

Email Zakee Sabree for additional info and inquiries.

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