Spring Project Conclusion

I really enjoyed doing my spring project and I am glad that I completed my goal. I finished Swift playground 1 (which I had done a bit of before) and Swift playground 2 and learned how to program with Swift. The final step in playground 2 is an independent world building assignment in which I created the world, placed characters, and could have them perform any actions I wanted. I have attached a video below that illustrates my completion of both playgrounds and the final code that for the independent world section.

One challenge I had while completing the project was working through issues that I had with getting sections of the code to work. I was able to resolve these issues by consulting swift instructional videos. I liked that the playgrounds were modulated because they helped motivate me to complete each section gradually. If I would do one thing differently, it would be to have created a schedule with the modules earlier in my completion of the project.

I have wanted to complete the Swift learn-to-code playgrounds for several years now and I am so glad that I did. I have a much deeper understanding of the Swift language and will be able to continue using the programming language in the future.