About Me

I am Palmer Moats and I am from Columbus, Ohio. I attend The Ohio State University with a major in biology on the premed track with an ultimate goal of being a cardiologist and I am in the Mount Leadership Society Scholars program. I apply my desire to learn in everything I do, which enables me to grow intellectually and collaboratively with others. Some of my interests are fitness, health and science, and directly helping others. I intend to get involved to develop and combine most of my interests, but also branch out and discover new passions. My career goals stem from my childhood because I had a coarctation of my aorta and have had follow-ups ever since, which sparked interest and intrigue.

In college, I am hoping to network and make connections between other students as well as professors, which I envision as a time for growth and development towards my passions. Volunteering at the Wexner Center and doing undergraduate research during my time in college fascinates me as I can form close relationships within both. Lastly, a book that shaped the way I think and has had an impact on my growth as a person is “Mindset” by Carol S. Dweck because it developed the way I interpret different situations and how I respond to them.

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