Office of Disability Services

Office for Disability Services (SLDS) is a support unit for students of The Ohio State University at Mansfield. SLDS provides FREE programs and services designed to help students have full access to college life.

All students are encouraged to contact the Office for Disability Services in the early stages of their college planning. Preadmission services include information about academic support services, specialized equipment, transition issues, admission requirements, and meetings with an access specialist.

Student Life Disability Services collaborates with and empowers students who have disabilities in order to coordinate support services and programs that enable equal access to an education and university life.

First, it’s important for students and families to know that in college, it is the responsibility of students to make the request for disability help in school. In order to seek help through SLDS, contact Michelle McGregor, the Disability Specialist to make an appointment.

You can do this by calling Michelle directly at (419) 755-4304. Michelle will talk to you about what difficulties you are having in learning and in school. She will also discuss with you strategies that have helped you in the past in school, as well as discussing your strengths. Michelle will then generally ask you to provide documentation of your disability from your doctor and/or care provider. If you have an IEP from your K-12 education experience, this information is also very helpful. Michelle will use the information from her talk with you and from your documentation to determine your academic accommodations while enrolled at Ohio State Mansfield.

The Office for Disability Services is located in:

279 Ovalwood Hall
1760 University Drive
Mansfield, OH 44906-1535