Hello world!


Hi, my name is Evan Mitchell. I am from Dublin, Ohio, which is only 15 minutes northwest of campus. I am majoring in City and Regional Planning. The reason I chose to take CRPLAN 2110 is because it is a requirement for the CRP major, and because it looks like a fun class that fits with my interests. My favorite city that I have been to would have to be Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Everything about it makes it my favorite city. First off, the Pacific Northwest is a beautiful area in general (Seattle is my second favorite city in fact). Secondly, Vancouver’s downtown is incredible, it is on a tiny peninsula surrounded by the bays and inlets connected to the Pacific Ocean. Furthermore, the architecture of the buildings is phenomenal. A majority of the skyscrapers have a clean, modern look with lots of windows and balconies. Finally, the surrounding mountains and parks make for a beautiful scene to wake up to everyday for anyone living in Vancouver.

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