
Final Post: Module 7

In Module Seven, I learned a variety of things when it comes to online sources, tools, and technology. I learned first that having tools, strategies, and technology is great to use so that I’m staying on top of my education. Things such as online resources help understand the material of what’s being learned. Certain tools give specified ways of how to study, the important things to study, and why studying is important. Technology has taken over, and all educational places use technology to educate themselves. Online sources have great importance, too. I learned that online sources always need to have credit, quality, and reliability. Without those three things, sources won’t be able to be used for things such as research papers. I now understand that sources such as Wikipedia are not good to use either, because they aren’t credible.

In the Modules overall, I have learned to be a better student. I know the importance of education and what it takes to have consistency. From coming in, and being a incoming freshmen, I learned that college is very different from high school. In college, I understand that you have to use your time wisely and know how to manage it. Time management is a great thing to have because you want to avoid procrastination and falling behind in your classes.  I also understand that procrastination is  a terrible thing to have in college and a even harder thing to get rid of if you don’t value your school work. Falling behind is also a bad thing to do in college because once you fall behind, it is very hard to catch back up. For some people, it is impossible to catch back up in college.

When I first registered into summer school, I didn’t think we would be so busy as student athletes. Modules such as time management  helped change that. I found it very difficult to be a student first and athlete second. In the course of 24 hours, things are hard to juggle. You have go to class, go to tutoring, and then practice for about three to four hours. It is not easy at all. Summer school and this online class has helped get a understanding of what classes and life will be like once the Fall Semester starts. It is said that your time is fell short during your sport’s season too, because you are always on the road and miss a lot of classes.

Throughout the course of my seven weeks, I am most understanding of the time- management part. Time management is crucial, especially for student athletes. Your timing is so important because you can’t waste it and lack getting the important things done, first. I think that motivation is a good thing to have in college, also. Motivation helps because having the desire to want to be a great student is nothing but great. Education makes you credible. It is something that is impossible to take away from someone. I want to be a good student here at Ohio State, and even though I know I will struggle, I am willing to take the challenge.


Module 6 Lesson

In Module 6, the lesson focuses on knowing what sources are great to use, as far as quality, reliability, and utility is concerned. Quality, reliability, and utility are the three stages of having a great source.In search for great sources, you look for things such as peer reviewed sites, contact information, credentials, and reputation of the source. The lesson teaches how to research reliable information, using specific terminology and other specifications. In the lesson, we learned to use citations, MLA and APA, to cite sources.  The lesson also focuses on how to search for scholarly sources, which uses the Google Scholar and The Ohio State Library.

The lesson has taught me a lot of new things. It has taught me how to find and research good sources. I understand that peer-reviewed sources are good because it ensures that the source is reliable. In terms of reliability, cited sources are good to have with a source, too. Cited sources avoids things like plagiarism and cheating when writing papers and researching certain topics because when having the sources cited, it proves that you researched the topic thoroughly and understood the criteria.  I now understand that to have useful resources, the reliability and quality has to be efficient.

Module 5: Blog Post 3

In module 5, the module focused on web- enhanced  and viewing strategies.  The module encourages students to use online sources, tools,  and to enhance learning using media- related resources. The module also focuses on how to take good notes. The module emphasizes on how notes can be good, bad, how they help to study, and different methods you can use to take good notes. Some of those media- related sources are videos, recordings, and pod casts. Accessing videos is a positive tool because its more of a visual learning utility that helps you gather information in a easier way. Audio resources reflect as a positive tool, too, because hearing a different voice can improve a student’s learning.

Module 5 taught me quite  a few good things concerning using media- related sources. For me, multimedia tools help because they are more of a visual and vocal aid for me. If I watch a video, I’m able to grasp what’s being taught easier than if I was simply reading a article or book. As far as notes are concerned, the note- taking strategies learned in the module really does help me because grouping notes into questions makes my flow of studying easier. Notes are important to and for me because it assures that I’m following along in a lecture and trying to understand the most important information.

Cool Educational Video


Check Out This Video!

In the video, School Motivational Speaker on Academic Achievement by Kantis Simmons, Mr. Simmons focuses on how he started his career as a Rocket Scientist. Simmons also gives great information on how to be a good, and more efficient student. He summarizes how many hours to study and gives a more, motivational point on what you have to do to become what you want to be in life. Mr. Simmons gave real- life experiences and facts on himself to explain what needed to be done for him to become a great Rocket Scientist, and related it to the students with the encouragement of his story. Simmons simply encouraged many students to better their lives by having a great education and what it takes to be apart of a comfortable life.

Even though the video doesn’t supplements or enhances the learning of a particular topic, I feel that the video does focus on the topic of what it takes to be a professional/expert, things such as putting in extra work and humbling yourself. The video has helped me better understand the topic, life, as a whole because after watching the video, I automatically got a grasp of what the real world could be like if I don’t work hard and make great strides to be the best person I can be.

Kelsey Mitchell: Module 4 Lesson Blog Post 2


Module 4 Lesson Blog Post 2

Created by Kelsey Mitchell on Jul 11, 2014 12:07 PM

In the process of this lesson, I’ve grown to like using online strategies and web- enhanced resources. I feel that searching resources to help better your education the best way possible is a great thing. I see it as great because you can use/search resources benefital to your educational and personal standards. I think that it is always good to learn the way that best fits you, and with that being said, you are able to find online sources that best helps you.

Online studying strategies can be positive for all students. I say that because technology is one of the most common things known to man and I feel that since students are already familiar with being online and using the web, it will be easier for students. In this lesson, I’ve learned that using online resources makes life a little easier for college students. When I say a little easier, I mean that the process of finding efficient online strategies and resources is more accessible because technology and college students gel good together. Technology practically owns college students because students use technology so well, making it easier for them to access resources and online strategies.

Resources For College Students

Throughout the search of finding good academic resources for college, I came across five really decent resource tools. Those five tools are,,, Bookrags. com, and focuses on creating learning material for yourself to help you and others grasp material the way you would like. I feel that that this resource is useful because it gives you a chance to study material the way that’s in your best interest.

Studystack. com is a source that gives you the chance to search any material you’d need help on or want information for. I feel that this resource is useful because anything you are having troubles with or don’t understand, can be searched using this site. is a resource that gives good studying strategies and also helps by providing study guides for subjects you may be studying. I think the source is useful because I feel that its always good to develop new learning strategies to become a better student. is a resource that both students and teachers will enjoy because study guides and lesson plans are available here. The site is also used  to get quizzes, essays, and biographies. I think its a useful source because has everything a student could possibly need to better their education. is a resource tool that has homework resources, test prep, and even their own point system. I think this is a useful site because I feel that it would help for test preparation.

Kelsey’s Learning Log

The best practices for collaborating and communicating online with classes are making great first impressions online and to give good, friendly feedback. These practices are important because keeping an open mind with classmates expresses the fact that you’re friendly and open to listening to other peoples’ opinions. Practices such as first impressions establish good working relationships with your classmates. Some web- based tool to facilitate communicating and collaborating online are things like search engines and emails. These tools insure that you can be reached at anytime to pave a path for success and that you use tools like search engines to help find information.The common purposes of blogs and blogging are to meet, converse, and get to know friends/classmates in a positive way. Blogs is a way for people to express, give feedback , and opinions on topics or just things in general. Technology tools develop positive online friendships/relationships in ways that in- person communication can’t develop always.







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